Chapter 16

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(Video isn't mine!..I'll tell you when to play it :3 Cred goes to the producer or .. whatever... CHECK HER ..or him.. OUT CAUSE THEY BE AWESOME AS FUCK.. LIKE SERIOUSLY :3)

Chapter 16:


(1 week later)

"RAI YOU'RE BACK!" Naruto yelled while tackling me into a hug. I finally created a bond with the last two. Gyuki was pretty hard to convince. He made me fight this thingy he created with his tentacles.

Then after I fought.. the thingy he created with his tentacles, he finally agreed. Now Kurama. He was insulting me from left to right. I blew up on him a couple of times and we argued.. alot. But in the end he finally agreed..I don't trust him though.

Gyuki took two days and Kurama took five. Buuttttt I'm finally done soo, it's so good.

"YEAH I'M BACK!" I yelled hugging him back. After I finally created a bond with the last two, I had to go see Gramps and he told me I was free to go home.

"Does that mean you finally created a bond with all of them?" Mao asked while popping her head out of her room, I nodded.

"Yeppersss." I said. Shino walked out and waved.

"Rai, you're all done?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

"All finish, though I think I may have to go to something to teach me to use the tailed beasts powers." I said shrugging. Or was it to control their chakra o.o

"RAI!" Kosuke and Sora yelled, they came over and hugged me.

"How was it?" Kosuke asked.

"It was a drag but it was worth it." I said laughing. Everyone started to laugh..expect Shino cause he's such a killjoy.

"Can we go get ramen?!" I asked while jumping around. Naruto started yelling.

"RAMEN RAMEN RAMEN RAMEN!" Naruto and Mao started chanting.

"Fine.. My treat I guess." Kosuke said. I hugged him and then ran out. I haven't had ramen in awhile!

"Shino you coming?" I hear Mao asked.

"If I'm welcome." He said.

"YOU BASICALLY LIVE WITH US COME ON!" I yelled. Mao started laughing.


So basically I'm playing the guitar right now while Mao and Sora are singing.. Odd right? Well while we were on our way to get ramen, I saw this guitar and wanted to check it out.

So I started playing it and then Mao and Sora started singing which then attracted people so yeah :3 Kosuke and Naruto were cheering us on, Shino was just there.. watching.

I didn't really like crowds. They scare me to death, but I mean no one is really paying attention to me soooo.

"MORE!" The crowd yelled. Oh we finished? Awkward... xD

"Do you wanna do another one?" Sora asked. Mao nodded, I just shrugged.

"Sure." I said. They both smiled at me.

"Hmm.. Let's do alive!" Mao said.

"Oh yeah! That was such a throwback song!" Sora said.

"Urm.. I think I know it." I said. I played a couple of notes and looked up. They nodded. I grinned. I DO KNOW HOW TO PLAY IT! I feel so cool man.

"Don't we need a piano?" Mao asked. We do.. Hmm. I created a clone and it walked over to the piano.

"Good?" I asked. They nodded.

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