Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:


"HOW DO YOU GUYS DO THIS!?" Naruto yelled while falling to the ground. For warming up we normally run about 75-100 laps around... Well fields but in this case we're running around the academy's training yard. Which is about the size of a soccer field. Not that big.

"Oh come on Naruto you only did like.. What? Five?" Kosuke while jogging, Kosuke normally got done before me, but I guess he's taking it slow today.

"YOU GUYS BASICALLY SPRINTED LIKE.. HALF OF IT.. SUPER DUPER FAST... YOU LAPPED ME LIKE 50 TIMES." Naruto yelled throwing his hand in the air. Man he complains to much, almost as much as me. Though I still love him.

"It's easier once you been doing it for awhile." I said while shrugging. After doing it your whole life it'll get easier. You just need to build up your endurance.

"RAI YOU FINISHED IN LIKE... 20 MINUTES" Naruto yelled again while groaning. Again, endurance is the key.

"Naruto calm down, we can get ramen after this." Mao said while sitting down next to us. Sora and Kosuke were almost done, they normally ran together, so they finished together. GOALS, jkjk just to be in a relationship is goals.

"OHH RAMEN!" Naruto said while grinning, he hopped up and started jumping up and down. Kosuke and Sora laughed as they ran over. Mao and I giggled as Naruto smiled sheepishly.

"Now we have to work on our chakra control!" Mao said. I transported all of us to the Hokage building, which earned me a lot of glares and curses.

"So what are we gonna do?" Naruto asked while brushing himself off. I always liked being able to walk on buildings and water. It's fun, expect when you lose focus. THEN YOU'RE ALL WET AND SHIT.

"We're going to climb it." Kosuke said with an amused expression, Naruto anime fell and hopped right back up.

"WHAT?!" Naruto screamed. Looks like he didn't learn that yet o.o

"If you don't wanna do it you can just watch." I said while shrugging. Naruto just huffed and sat on the ground.

"Readyyy?" Mao asked. We all nodded and did the signs for focusing our charka. We focused our chakra to the soles of our feet before taking off.

"RACE YA!" Kosuke yelled while bolting up the building, Kosuke had perfect chakra control. He was thinking about learning medical ninjutsu but he didn't have anyone to teach him.

We all tried, yet we failed horribly considering we suck at explaining stuff.

"OH NO YOU DON'T" Sora yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts. She darted after him managing to catch up.

Mao giggled and started cheering as she ran after them. I sighed and shook my head. "Ugh what a drag." I groaned, Naruto nodded beside me.

I start running, surprisingly I manage to catch up with everyone. I passed Gramps window and waved at him, he slowly waved at me with wide eyes.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR RAI" I hear Kosuke yelling behind me, I look back seeing them about 10 feet behind me.

"You're fast as fuckkkk." Sora complained. I shrugged as I sat on the edge of the roof, I wasn't even paying attention. Oops.

"But my reflexes sucks ass" I complained. They really did, like if a kunai flew at me right now, I wouldn't be able to jump out of the way. Sad. Okay.. Maybe I'm over exaggerating..

"Actually, they're faster than normal shinobis. Just slower then ours." Kosuke said while smirking.

"Ha ha ha." I said while sticking my tongue out. I may be fast but I suck at reacting fast. Just how Mao and Sora can't focus their charka when I use my transportation jutsu, but they're awesome at medical ninjutsu.

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