Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:


Sora is still chasing me... Why? No clue but I ain't gonna get caught. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT.

Where's Gaara when you need him? -.- BUT SERIOUSLY SHINO AND MAO!!!! Kawaiiiiiii!!!! Always knew they had a thing for each other. Mhm can't hide that from me.

"Why is Sora chasing Rai?" Kiba asked sleepily. He probably just woken up.

"No clue. Rai just started running and Sora ran after her." Hinata says.

I need to hide somewhere quick....KITTY-CHAN. He just walked out of his room.

"KITTY-CHAN!" I yelled as I grabbed his arm and pulled him back into the room, I locked the door.

"RAI YAMADA OPEN THIS DOOR!" Sora yells while banging on the door.

"What did you do this time?" Kitty-Chan asked. I just shrugged.

"She gave me this look then I ran and she ran after me." I said. Seriously I have no idea what I did.

"WHAT DID I DO SORA?!" I screamed.

"YOU INSULTED ME!" She yelled back.

"WHAT?! HOW?!" I asked. What did I do o.o

"I-I DONT KNOW BUT YOU DID!" She yelled. I sweatdropped. Kitty-Chan just rolls his eyes.

"Of course." He mumbled.

"Sora.. Baby are you okay?" I hear Kosuke ask.

"YES KOSUKE I'M FINE!" Sora yells.. Urm...Yep totally.. You're totally fine right now.

"Is she on her period?" Kitty-Chan asked. I shrugged.

"Not entirely sure." I said. When Sora is on her period... Shit gets ugly.

"I'M NOT GOING AWAY UNTIL YOU COME OUT!" She yelled. Kitty-Chan and I groaned.

"Out of all people why did I have to lock myself up with you." I said.

"I know right! Like why did you have to lock me up with you." Kitty-Chan said groaning. I groaned in agreement.

"Man what to do now!" Kitty-Chan said.

"HEY CAN YOU TEACH ME SHIT ABOUT PUPPETS AND CHAKRA STRINGS AND ALL THAT!" I yelled. Kitty-Chan thought for a moment before nodding.

"I guess, I mean there's nothing else to do." He said shrugging.

"THANKS KITTY-CHAN!" I yelled and jumped around.

"You're welcome brat." He replied. He went to his work table where the crow was laying in pieces.

"I just need to work on him a bit more." He explained. I walked over and examined the wooden figures.

"For some reason when I try to put it all back together when it's all apart it stalls." He says. I thought a bit. Normally when a puppet is in pieces the puppeteer can easily put it back together.

"Maybe you need to put more chakra into the strings or something." I said shrugging. I barely knew anything about puppets.

"I can't put to much considering if it all comes together too fast it'll ..well go boom." He said picking up random tools and poking at random wires.

"Maybe you need to connect more strings." I said shrugging again.

"I can't have to much strings other wise I'm going to have to put unnecessary work  in controlling my puppet." He said. Well damn.

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