Chapter 31 (Final Chapter)

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Chapter 31:


>>>6 Months Later 

"RAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN, LEADER-SAMA WANTS YOU IN THY OFFICE. BRINGSSS THYYY SENJUICE." Sora yelled while banging on my door with her fists. I sighed inwardly before walking over to Mizuki. He was currently sleeping, we've trained hard the night before so that he'll actually have a chance staying alive.

It's been six months since we've been in the Akatsukis, it's actually been pretty good. Mao and Sora seems to enjoy it here very much, you get quite use to it. I gently shake Mizuki awake, he yawned and groaned under his breath before sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

We've grown pretty close during the months, he also has been on some missions with Itachi, Kisame, and I. He's still weird around all the other members expect for us. Mao sometimes gets him to talk but otherwise he keeps to him self. 

Though, over the months his skills and abilities has grown and he has perfected Musical Medical Ninjutsu. It's truly wonderful how far he's come in a short amount of time. His speed and reflexes matches mine. He was the only one who's been able to defeat me in one to one battles so far. 

But I still kick his ass anyways. 

"We've been summoned by Leader-sama. Get dress fast, we must go." I informed him. He looked up and nodded before standing up, he bent down and placed a kiss on my forehead before grabbing clothes and going to the bathroom. 

Sora was standing in the doorway with her arms crossed, her eyebrows raised and her lips turn into a smirk. I raised my eyebrow at her before grabbing my gourd. Even though I don't use it, I still keep it with me incase something ever happens.

"Are you sure you guys aren't dating? I mean come on, he's so protective over you, the only time I really see him talk or anything is around you, he kisses your forehead and hugs you randomly! And you don't seem to mind one bit!" She exclaimed while throwing her hands around. 

I gave her a blank stare before she growled in frustration. "I do not have romantic feelings for Mizuki, neither does he have romantic feelings towards me. I don't mind when someone decides to hug me nor kiss me on the forehead considering it's their way to express themselves. Also, Mizuki isn't the only one I let hug me." I pointed out, Sora just smirked again before giggling. 

"Good, cause you're taken." She said in a sing-song voice before turning towards the hall. Both Mao and Sora believes that I still have romantic feelings towards Gaara. Time has past, feelings has changed. 

It's actually has been easier to talk about our past life at the Leaf and Sand. During these past months I finally built myself better, I've learned not to take things personally and that has really helped me. I've learn to not assume how Mao and Sora feels considering they told me a bunch of times that they're actually very happy here. 

We joke around about memories we have at the Leaf and Sand. I don't feel guilt anymore, also my tailed beast has turned into tailed friends again. They still don't talk to me though, but I understand. 

Mizuki walked in before throwing his sleeping clothes into the hamper. He grabbed his forehead protector before tying it around his forehead. We all kind of change in our appearance.. Okay maybe alot. 

Mao currently has pink hair, her eyes are still bright blue, and she has learned how to make her crystal lines appear and disappear. Whenever she isn't on a mission she likes to hide them, though when she goes on missions she makes them appear. And with the hair, Deidara dared her to dye her hair pink, in which she did. 

Sora is actually still the same, expect her hair is longer and now she's 13! She turned 13 on August 11th, since she was on a mission we weren't able to celebrate it on that day, so we wanted until she came back. That day no one went on a mission and we all just hung out. 

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