Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:


I began to start entering their minds. The block in Kosuke, Sora, and Mao's mind weren't as protected as Rai's. I got through it easily. Though with Rai's it took a bit longer. I finally opened the block in her mind.

"Inoichi. You are about to see something very disturbing." A voice called out. What?  I finally got to her brain and pulled out the scroll like memories.


4 years old (RAI'S POV)

"Make sure you guys get here before it gets dark." Baka Sensei told us. I nodded my head.

"Okay Baka Sensei!" 6 year old Mao yells. Baka Sensei rolled his eyes.

"Hey Baka Sensei, do you think we can see mom and dad?" 6 year old Sora asked. Baka Sensei hesitated before answering.

"Uh.. No. Right now they are on an important mission. They can not be disturbed." He said. We all nodded.

"We'll keep a close eye on Rai, don't worry!" 7 year old Kosuke yelled. Baka Sensei smiled .

"I'm not worry. You all can protect yourself very well." Baka Sensei said. We all grinned at him. We started our walk around Suna. We had moved here because Mom and Dad had some important business to do here. Suna was so pretty. SAND WAS EVERYWHERE!

"Hey, I saw a park earlier do you guys want to go there?" Kosuke asked while holding Sora's hand. They were so cute together. I think big brother Kosuke and big sister Sora likes each other.

"YEAH A PARK!" Me and Mao squealed. Sora giggled and nodded.

"Park it is!" Kosuke said. We started running towards the park.

"SAND IS EVERYWHERE." I yelled kicking sand around. Mao giggles and joins me.

"Hey Rai?" Kosuke said while smirking.

"Yeah big brother Kosuke." I asked. Sora rolled her eyes.

"Don't do it Kosuke." Sora warned. What?? Kosuke just smirked at Sora.

"DO YOU WANNA BUILD A SAND CASTLE?!" Kosuke yelled. I stopped and turn towards Kosuke. My eyes widen.

"DID SOMEONE SAY... SAND CASTLE?!" I asked. Kosuke smirked and nodded.

"SAND CASTLE!" I yelled. I started control the sand around me making a gaint sand castle. Mao starts giggling and clapping her hands.

"LET'S PLAY!" She yelled running into the sand castle. Baka Sensei told me I had the one tails in me... One tails isn't really nice.. He won't let me sleep.. But that's how I can play with sand and make sand castles!


"I'm tired." Mao said as she falls asleep on the sand. Sora nodded and yawn.

"Me too." Sora says as she leans her head on Kosuke's shoulder. I yawn too... Kosuke looks over.

"Do you want to go on the swings?" He asked. SWINGS! I nodded my head super fast. Kosuke starts laughing.

"Okay, but don't talk to any strangers. I'll wait right here with these two." Kosuke said. I ran to the swings as fast as my four year old self can. I stopped when I saw a boy on the other swings. He looked sad.

"Hi! I'm Rai! Can I swing with you?" I asked. The boy looked up at me. AWWWW HE WAS SO CUTE! He even had a teddybear :3

"Y-your not scared?" He asked. I frowned.

In your arms (Gaara Fanfic) | Editing soon!Where stories live. Discover now