Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:


I smirked under my mask and retracted the kunai from Senju's neck. I've been so used to calling him Senju that, that's gonna be his new nickname c:

He took this opportunity to catch me off guard and attempted to flip me over, I used his stomach to flip myself over and kicked at his leg making him drop.

"Your reflexes are amazing." I said while helping him up. He laughed and shook his head.

"I need to become faster with them." He said while using my hand and pulling himself up. I smiled, not like he could see but I smiled to myself.

He reminds me a lot like myself. It's creepy.

"They're faster than most shinobis, just not faster than mine." I replied. My heart clenched at the thought of that. That's what Kosuke used to say when I used to complain about how slow my reflexes were.

I never realize how much that phrase could mean to me until now. I lowered my head and studied the ground.

I miss them all. I miss my friends and my village. I honestly miss how everything used to be. Though I'm kind of happy things went the way they did. Otherwise I wouldn't have met Itachi and Sushi.

The guilt and regret filled my heart, I knew it's not good but I locked them away with all my other negative feelings.

If I start dwelling on the past and all the terrible stuff that happened, I'm going to get consumed by them and... Well lose control over myself.

I have to keep going strong, not just for myself but for Sora and Mao. I sighed and kicked the dirt. This is such a drag.

The tailed beast haven't talked to me yet. They're still ignoring me though I think it's better this way. What happened this morning wasn't the best thing in the entire world. I have to shut them out, until I really can control all their chakras.

The only tailed beast's chakra I'm able to control is Shakaku's. The others I'm just connected to, though I can not control their chakra yet. It's a long process and a confusing one.

"Hey Little Uchiha, you still there?" Senju was snapping his fingers in front of my eyes, I shook all those thoughts away and rolled my eyes.

"Not all my attention has to be on you. I do enjoy thinking." I muttered. He rolled his eyes.

"You're weird. I don't think you were always this quiet and off-putting. Or this emotionless. What's your story Little Uchiha?" He asked sitting down crisscrossed, I mirrored his actions and sat down in front of him.

"What's your story, Senju?" I asked while studying him. He had hazelnut colored hair and dark brown eyes, almost looking black. He was about 5'7 and he was in shape. Though he did look around 13-14.

"Why should I tell you?" He fired back. I raised an eyebrow, if he isn't gonna tell me then why asked for my story?

"You are going to be stuck with me for six months." I pointed out. Maybe longer, I have no idea what Leader-sama is planning for him, but all I know is that I have to keep him alive.

"Why did you do that? Why didn't you just let me die?" He asked while looking into my eyes. His eyes held many emotions, ones I couldn't put a finger on.

I sighed, I'm going to be stuck with him for six months and if I want him to actually stay alive he needs to trust me.

"You remind me of someone. Well, more like some people who I used to hold close to me. Also I needed to do something good in my life, I guess. So I decided to try to keep you alive until you find a way to get out of this mess." I explained.

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