Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:


"We will make camp here. After that, Rain I will like to train you." Itachi informed us. We've been walking for about four-five hours non-stop. No one has come after us, not that we know of. I looked around at the spot Itachi decided to pick. 

We were to camp inside a cave, Kisame informed me that normally Itachi would just rush back home, but in this case. He rather take his time. 

"Hai." I replied before setting my things down. All I had was a tiny gourd that held half water and half sand. Mao slipped it into my pocket while I wasn't looking, though I discovered it after I talked to Ookami. I also had a small medical kit, and my ninja pouch. 

 I have a feeling we'll be working with my Sharingan, even though I only trained with it a little, I was able to some how get through the stages easily and fast. But, I still need to train with it. 

After setting my things down and poking Sushi, I walked over to Itachi and followed him to a clearing. 

"You seem to be doing well with your Sharingan. Though there is a jutsu you must learn, for all Uchiha gets to learn this jutsu when they're at the right age. You are a little above the age at which most Uchiha children learned this jutsu. But you should use that to you advantage, for you are more experienced. The jutsu is Fire Style: Fireball jutsu. You must weave the Snake, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse, and Tiger hand signs to complete this jutsu." Itachi explained. I nodded, I've seen Sasuke use this jutsu plenty of times. 

Itachi walked up before weaving the hand signs needed for this jutsu, he then blew out a ball of fire. 

I walked up next to him and weaved the signs, projecting the correct amount of chakra to complete this jutsu. I took a deep breath before blowing it out, a small ball appeared and then disappeared. I sighed, that was so tiny, it was like the size of a softball ;-; 

Itachi chucked under his breath as I shot him a glare. He smiled and poked my forehead. "You actually did wonderful, mostly it'll take a while for someone to even make that size. Keep trying, you should be able to master this jutsu by the end of the day." Itachi said. I nodded and returned to my training.


"Fire Style: Fireball jutsu!" I yelled, I breathed in some air before blowing it out, a huge fireball was formed. I did it! I finally did it! Just like Itachi said, it was starting to get dark. I finally got the damned jutsu down .-.

Itachi had a small smile on his face, pride danced in his eyes. "Like I said, the end of the day." Itachi came over and placed a hand on my shoulder. 

"Father would've been proud. So would mother." He whispered gently, I couldn't help but to grin. Just knowing that I would've been able to make my parents proud filled me with joy. 

Itachi walked to the other end of the field before a ball of fire was shot at me. Oh man, what a drag. I sighed before both our ball of fire collided. I hurried and jumped back before two kunais was shot at me through the smoke. I activated my Sharigan before using my sand to block the kunais. This time, no holding back. 

Itachi appeared behind me so I transported myself behind him. "Water Style: Raging waves." A beam of water shot from my mouth to the back of Itachi's back. Though he exploded into a flock of crows. I cursed under my breath, a clone damn it. 

I then felt weird, a weird sensation..the only time I feel this is when I'm placed in a genjutsu.. Itachi, seriously, what a drag. I sat down, criss crossed before focusing my chakra. Itachi's genjutsus weren't regular ones, it took a lot to actually break free of them. 

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