Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

Gaara is being annoying -.- I didn't notice how far I transported myself, and he won't let me transport back, I don't wanna leave him alone and whenever I try to touch him his sand blocks me. I can touch him if I want to but it's too much work.

"But whyyyyyyy?" I complained.

"You can't just transport yourself around." He said.

"But you do it all the time!" I exclaim.

"And?" He asked. I groaned and dragged my hand across my face.

"Fine I'll just transport myself." I said. Gaara's head snapped in my direction.

"What if I lose control hm?" He asked. I groaned again.

"Then can I kill you now?" I asked. He shook his head.

"But whyyyyyyy?" I complained again.

"Rai shut up." He ordered. I rolled my eyes and stopped talking. It was starting to get dark, and cold, and dark. Gaara finally decided to put his shirt back on.

The sun was setting, judging by it's position it's about... 6? I left Gramps house at like.. 2:30. Then I walked to the hideaway 2:40. After that we were singing and stuff 3:00. And I transported myself to the waterfall. After that Gaara came 3:30. We talked 3:40. We swam 4:00 and we've been walking for 2 hours.

What a drag. What was Gaara doing here so far away?

"Hey Gaara, what were you doing all the way here anyways?" I asked.

"I followed you." He bluntly said. Oh that makes me feel better.

"Ohhhh." I said nodding.

I shivered a little as a breeze blew by. IT'S SO DAMN COLD AT NIGHT LIKE .-.

"It's cold out tonight." Gaara said looking at the sky. I nodded.

"Konoha has weird weather. It's hot in the morning and cold at night. Though some nights are warm." I said. Gaara nodded.

Gaara pulled me towards him and picked me up bridal style.


"Shut up."

He started running and jumped up on a tree, you could see the leaf from here.

"We're close." He said. I nodded. He continued jumping from tree or tree until we reached the gates. He then set me down gently.

"Rai!" Mr.Cutie Guard yelled. I smiled and waved.

"Hey Mr. Cutie Guard." I said. He grinned at me.

"Where's your sisters and Kosuke? Normally you're all together." He said. I shrugged.

"I might've transported myself away..." I said. He started laughing.

"Where's Mr. Grumpy Guard?" I asked.

"The Hokage summoned him." He answered. I nodded.

"Who's your friend?" He question looking at Gaara. Gaara crossed his arms and glared at him.

"Gaara, he's a childhood friend." I said smiling slightly.

"From the sand huh?" He asked.

"Yeppers!" I said rocking on the balls of my feet.

"Alright, nice talking to you." He said as he walked back in his booth like... thingy. I nodded and waved goodbye. I slipped my hands into Gaara's and pulled him along.

In your arms (Gaara Fanfic) | Editing soon!Where stories live. Discover now