Chapter 25

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(Sora's mask is picture attached. Credit goes to owner. I do not own c:)

Chapter 25:
"Done" Leader-sama ordered. Sora was panting heavily. Sasori's clone disappeared resulting in it being destroyed. Sora was able to take Sasori down in a matter of time, though it took her a lot to do so.

I crossed my arms. Never realize how much I did it until how o.o it's just a comfortable stance. "Good job Sora-Chan!" Mao cheered, Sora looked up and nodded at us, I nodded back. She did great, I could tell Sasori was actually having a really hard time blocking her attacks. Also since Sora won, that basically explains all.

"Good work." Sasori called out. Judging by the way Sora skipped over to us she was grinning. "That was cool! The only other puppeteer I ever fought was Kankuro!" Sora exclaim, she excitedly clapped her hands together.

Kankuro... I miss my kitty. The only reason I won during my match with Mao in the exams was because if something Kitty-Chan taught me. Mao started giggling.

"Kitty-chan isn't as good as Sasori-kun. Though he's probably the second best after Sasori." Mao whispered to us. I raised my eyebrow. "You only know two puppeteers" I pointed out. Kitty-chan and Sasori.

Mao shrugs, "Better than one" she said as she held up two fingers. Sora started laughing but nodded in agreement. "I'm pretty sure we're going to meet more." Sora said. That'll be cool if we met more.

"Mao you're up" Leader-sama pointed out. Mao squealed and ran to face the real Sasori, oh this is going to be priceless. "She can't take him on, Hn" Deidara said while crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes and smirked. Mao was a great fighter, she may act like a 5 year old but she can kick ass.

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. She can probably take you down in a heart beat" Sushi said. Sora and I looked at each other before nodded. Little old Sushi was defending Mao. Awww we're growing on him c:.

"Hn." Was the only reply we got back from the artist. I tend to realize he enjoys saying "Hn" a lot. It gets annoying though, looks like I'm going to have to get used to it. What a drag.
I looked up to see Mao grabbing a kunai which had a paper bomb attached to it. She ran towards Sasori with the kunai behind her, before Sasori was able to make a move, Mao disappeared from sight and appeared behind him.

Before he had a chance to react fast enough, Mao stuck the kunai in his puppets back. When it exploded I transported myself over there and grabbed Sasori then transported us back in a nick of time.

Sasori was slightly breathing heavily. Mao ran over. "OOPS SORRY SASORI-KUN! I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU." Mao ranted. Sasori held up a hand silencing her. Mao shut up in mid sentence as Sasori shook his head.

I started to heal his injures. It wasn't bad at all. Just a few cuts. "I do not enjoy waiting, you did well" Sasori said. Mao started jumping around and squealing. 

" I DIDN'T EXPECT TO FINISH SO SOON!" Mao yelled. I rolled my eyes. These guys are going way to easy on us. Well on Mao. Sasori and Sora's fight took a little longer, yet Sora did win.

"Also thank you Rain." Sasori mumbled to me. I nodded and unwrapped my arms from him. He could've blocked Mao's attack but I wonder why he didn't. Maybe he couldn't o.o Mao was pretty fast. He probably expected her to be slow and had little experience. Little did he know Mao is a kick ass warrior. Don't let her personality fool you.

"Rain." Leader-sama said. I sighed and walked over to face Sasori's clone.

So Mao, Sora, and I are all still going strong. We fought Sasori, Deidara, Zestu, Hidan, and Kakazu. There's only three left. Tobi, Itachi, and Sushi. Tobi came a little late screaming about how he's sorry and how he's a good boy. He gives me the creeps, yet he's adorable ^-^

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