Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

Naruto and Mao returned to the village.. Without Sasuke. Mao has been locked in her room since.

We all got to the leaf safely.. No one died yet some of us suffered major injures... And some of us got in trouble by Granny.. Aka Lady Hokage.

"YOU GUYS WENT WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!" She yelled. Kosuke, Sora, Lee, and I were all getting yelled out. Mao would be here but again she was locked in her room.

"Sorry Granny." I said while waving her off. A tick mark appeared on her head.


"Well.. I'm alive."

"I'm sorry Lady Hokage! This will not happen again." Bushy Brow said while bowing. Granny stopped yelling and rubbed her temples.

"Just next time. Come to me before you go off running." Granny said. We all bowed.

"Lee you may go. I need to talk to these three alone." She said. Bushy Brow bowed and walked out.

"You three.. Well four including Mao will be heading to the sand with the Sand Siblings. I read here how you are almost already done your training there. This would be a good way to show that the alliance between us is good. The training.. I'm not entirely sure. I don't think you'll be sent back to an academy there. I'm not sure. When you get there the elders will tell you what you'll be doing. You will be leaving at the end of this week." Granny said. We all stared at her shocked. Out of all times she decided this now?

"How long will we be gone?" Kosuke said

"Six months at the least." She said. Six months at the sand?!

"I accept." Sora said.

"Same here." Kosuke said.

"Ay." I agreed

"Do you think Mao would agree?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I'll ask her." Kosuke said. Granny nodded.

"After you get an answer from here come back to me. You three are dismissed." Granny said. We bowed and walked out.

"Six months at the sand.." Sora repeated. I nodded.

"Wow... But seriously. Out of all times she decided this now?" Kosuke said. I nodded.

"I know right! But.. What she said was true. If we do this then people would see that our alliance is pretty strong." Sora said. I nodded in agreement. A leaf and sand shinobi. Well there's going to be four of them if Mao agrees.

"I think Mao would agree what do you think?" Sora asked.

"I'm not sure.." Kosuke confessed.

"She probably would want to stay here because of Shino and Sasuke." Sora said. I nodded. THIS FUCKING SUCKS ALL I CAN DO IS NOD!

Kosuke said he'll teach me how to convey my thoughts to others, so he's not doing it for me anymore.

"I wonder what training we'll do." Kosuke said. I shrugged.

"Hey guys!" Temari said. I looked up to see all the Sand Siblings. Sora grinned at her.

"Temari!' She yelled. Temari and her hugged. Kosuke and Kankuro did that bro hug. And Gaara just nodded at them.

"Babygirl!" Kitty-Chan yelled. I grinned at him and hugged him.

"Blue" Temari said . I smirked and hugged her.

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