Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

And I'm running.. and running.. and running.. and screaming.. cause I'm hungry. You know what sucks? I'm extremely hungry. It's been about.. 10 minutes in the exams. I already got a scroll.

A  team from the sound heard about how it was just me alone.. So they tried to attack, which result in them getting knocked out. Lucky they had a heaven scroll! :3

I'm not trying to kill anyone, just gonna knock them out. But if they do get killed.... I am honestly terribly sorry.

Anyways.. To the tower I go! I wonder how everyone else is doing. We have about what? Five days I think? Oh well.

What a drag... I need to hurry .-. It was starting to get dark. I need food.. FOOODDDDDDDDDD. But I kept running. I never realized how far this tower would be.. It's been like.. 2 hours?

Maybe it's because I spent an hour studying clouds....

"Hello sweetie." I heard. I turned around facing more people from the sound -.- What's up with the sound? Stalking me and shit.

"Hello old man." I  said smirking. He just grinned.

"A feisty one eh? I like it." He said coming closer to me. Ew.. The fuckk..

"What scroll do you have?" One of the pervs teammate asked. I just shrugged.

"I'm not sure, my other teammates have it. I just got separated with them." I lied.

"Lead us to them." The other pervs teammate said. I nodded and pointed in a random direction.

"They're that way." I said. They smirked at me and started that way. Such stupid people in this world -.-.

"Water style: Syrup trap." I did the signs for the jutsu and the sound ninjas got stuck.

"Ugh what the hell?!" Pervy yelled. I just smirked.

"Those who betray their fellow comrades are scum. And plot twist.. I'm in this alone!" I said. I stuck my tongue and shook my butt at them. Ha serves them right.

"Keep struggling it'll only be stickier." I said. They mumbled curses under their breaths.

"Good night! Try not to die by the way!" I said. I used the butt of my kunai and knocked them all out.

"Man impressive." Temari said stepping out of the shadows.

"Oh good you guys are still alive." I said putting my kunai away.

"Way to have faith in us babygirl." Kitty-Chan said. I just smirked at them.

"Did you guys get the other scroll yet?" They both shook their heads.

"It just started!" Kitty-Chan said.

"Not really.. It started 2 hours ago." I said.

"Wait." Temari said narrowing her eyes at me.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You have both scrolls don't you." Temari asked. I smirked at them.

"Maybeeeee." I said in a sing-song like.

"When?" Kitty-Chan asked.

"Like the first 10 minutes. Sound ninjas." I said.

"HA I WIN!" Temari said dancing around. Kitty-Chan mumbled curses under his breath before handing 20 bucks to Temari.

"Urm?" I questioned.

"I said you would get a scroll the first day. Temari said you'll get 1 hour." Kitty-Chan said. He handed 20 dollars to Temari. I laughed.

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