Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:


I raised an eyebrow at Mao, she just shrugged and grinned up at Mizuki. Though I'm not surprised that she attacked Mizuki at all. I mean come on, she's a Mao. I wonder if all Mao's are this way o.o

Future mission in life, see all Mao's and see if they all act like our Mao. That would be a fun mission, though I don't think everyone else is as hyped as Mao, expect Tobi. Tobi is like the guy version of Mao, it's extremely creepy and crazy.

Mao started circling Mizuki with a hand on her chin.

"Hmmm.. Your chakra is amazing! It's almost like ours. Rain, you're gonna be training him right?" Mao asked while stopping beside me. I nodded.

"For six months I have to train him. He already knows Musical Medical Ninjutsu, so that's good. We have a start, I haven't seen his skills for ninjutsu, taijutsu, or genjutsu. We will be training after we see Konan." I explained. Speaking of Konan, we gotta go soon.

"Mao, can you please give us our forehead protectors? We need to hurry, Konan is expecting us." I asked. Mao nodded and disappeared into her room. Her room was pretty nice actually, it was plain like mine but the sunlight streaming in made it look pretty peaceful.

Senju cleared his throat, I looked up at him and he nodded. "Mao seems....interesting." He said quietly. I nodded, Mao is interesting.

I think that's why everyone loves her so much, even if you're the baddest bitch on earth, you'll probably fall in love with Mao (not romantically) if you got to spend a week with her. She's just like that.

Mao popped out of her room with two forehead protectors already crossed out. "I just made them so be careful, you need to give them a couple minutes before they completely harden." Mao explained as she beamed, handing Senju and I our protectors.

It looked just like our original one though it was semi see through considering that the crystals didn't completely harden.

Our forehead protectors are made with special crystals that can take the form and shape of anything it's creator wants it to. Since Mao is the creator she can basically create anything with her crystals, it's one of the perks of being at the final stage of a shoton.

"Thank you."

Mao just grinned at me, she didn't have her mask on. Mao and Sora agreed that they were only going to wear their masks when they go on missions or whenever they are out of the house. I'm honestly just to lazy to put my mask on and off.

Since I don't go sleep, what's the point of taking it off?

"Do you know where Konan's office is?" Mao asked. I shook my head. Mao walked over to Sora's door and knocked on it two times. "She's probably with Sasori and Deidara. She's on their team, I'm with Hidan and Kakuzu." She informed me.

Oh wow. I pray for those two.

Mao is probably gonna talk their ears off. Hidan is one of the most self-centered disrespectful bastard I've ever knew. Though, he does remind me of a sardine for some odd reason. Like you would expect Kisame to remind me of a sardine considering he's an actual fish, but nooo.

We waited a couple of minutes before Sora finally answered the door. Sasori and Deidara was there sitting by the table she had. Her room was similar to mine expect she had a medium size table in the middle of her room, which Sasori and Deidara sat by.

"Mao! Rain! Mizuki! Hey!" Sora said while smiling sweetly at us. She hugged Mao as Mao giggled and waved at Deidara, then at Sasori. Sasori nodded as Deidara smirked and waved back.

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