Chapter 26

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(SENSEIS KANJI is picture attached. I do not own)


So right when Itachi was about to finish me off, Rai poofed in front of us, holding a kunai to Itachi's neck. I hurried and sliced his leg a little.

"Stop." Leader-sama ordered. Rai retracted her kunai and I followed.

Man.. I wonder what Rai was doing that whole time. Rai turned around looking for any injures. Mao skipped to my side and started healing me.

"Nice for you too show up Rain." I said while smirking. Her eyes found mine. "Better late then never." She replied while shrugging. We both laughed as she walked over to heal Itachi.

"You all know medical ninjutsu I presume?" Konan asked. I nodded.

"We've even taught since we were younger. Though Mao is mostly the medic out of the three of us. We all have the same skills, Mao seems enjoys it the most." I explained while shrugging.

Medical ninjutsu is cool, but Mao enjoyed using it whenever she can so we just let her have her fun.

"That's great to know." Konan said while nodding. Rai yawned. "Do we have to continue fighting?" She asked.

I was starting to get tired also, plus I wanted to know what happened with Rai and Kakashi. "Judging how you were able to beat everyone. You do not need to fight Tobi and Kisame. Konan, prepare to leave." Leader-sama said as he walked away. Konan nodded and trailed behind him.

"YESS FINALLY" Mao squealed, she finished healing me at the same time Rai finished healing Itachi.

Itachi hugged her, towering over her small frame as she wrapped her arms around his waist. He bent down and kisses her forehead. I'm glad Itachi found his baby sister. It just makes me happy, Rai told me about Itachi. Mad respect for that dude.

"Sora-chan. I'm hungry" Mao groaned as her stomach grumbled. Rai and I laughed, Itachi smiled a little.

"We're heading to the base, you can eat there" Itachi informed us. This isn't the base? Wait.. Ahh.. That makes sense. They didn't want us seeing their real base until they knew if we would get in the way or actually be useful. Smart.

Since we're going to the base, that means we're useful right? MY EGO IS STARTING TO BECOME BIGGER.. Not as big as Sasuke's though. Speaking of him.. I miss him.

"Rain-chan. Is Tobi a good boy? Deidara-senpai said I wasn't." Tobi asked. Rai raised an eyebrow before laughing a little.

"Tobi is a very good boy. Keep it up." Rai said while patting his shoulder. Tobi squealed like a little schoolgirl before crushing Rai into a hug.

"RAIN-CHAN SAID TOBI WAS A GOOD BOY. SEE DEIDARA TOBI IS A GOOD BOY." Tobi sang while swinging Rai around.

Mao and I looked at each other before cracking up, we were rolling on the ground. Rai just sighed and shrugged. She was probably too lazy to struggle.

Itachi looked at us all with amusement as he shook his head and smiled. I don't think Itachi smiled offend, just this feeling inside.

"Let's go" Leader-sama said before running in another direction. Everyone started to follow including us "Akastuki Siblings"

Tobi was giving Mao a piggy back ride while Itachi and Rai were talking to each other. Sasori came to my side before nodding. I nodded back as I followed him.


"Tobi is a good boy! Tobi gives Mao a piggy back ride! Tobi good boy right!?" He yelled. I couldn't help but to giggle.

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