Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:


"Alright, well I'll see you guys around!" I said as I smiled. I would enjoy hanging out with them, but I needed to train more.

"Bye!" They both shouted. Kitty-Chan gave me a hug and I returned the favor. Since he was taller than me, I felt like I was getting hug by a giant. I was roughly about 4'8, and he was about 5'6. Man, why am I so short.

"Don't die okay?" Kiity-Chan said while shaking a finger in my face, I rolled my eyes but nodded.

"See you around blondey" I said while giving Temari a hug. She laughed as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Yeah, you'll see us around.. Blue." Temari said. I pulled away and waved.

"Bye now!" I said. I used my transportation jutsu and transported myself to the training grounds. Now for training.. What a dragg -.-

"Ugh. I gotta train.. and train.. AND FUCKING TRAIN. IT'S ONLY LIKE 2:45. Damn itttt. I really don't feel like training right nowwwww... Oh well gotta work on my reflexes." I complained out loud. Wow. I really don't wanna train.

Normally I don't get this lazy... Oh well ._. I started doing the hand signs for my multi-shadow clone jutsu. I see a bunch of me everywhere. You don't see that everyday.

"Alright listen up fuckers, three of you come behind me. The rest of you guys try to attack us. Give it all you got. Fight us like you really wanna kill us. Be fast too" I said getting in position. One of my clones was behind me the other two was on my left and right. We were all back to back basically.

You know what would be cool? If I can do jutsus without using hand signs... Like if I project enough charka into my mind maybe it'll work o.o That shall be for another day.

"Ready?" I asked. Everyone nodded. Half of them took out kunais, some started creating sand, some created water. I sweatdropped. I made a bunch of clones today... the day I barely wanted to do anything. Oh well.

"Yeah." My clones sighed, oh don't they sound excited c: The three that was with me, one took out a kunai. She was doing close range. One created sand, she was the defense. And one created water, defense/attack and she was gonna do long range, and me.. Well, I'm all of them put together.

"Okayyy you three try not to die." I said grabbing a kunai out of my pouch. Let the battle begin.


"Oh new record. 1 minute. 120 clones. You three didn't die. Great job." I said talking to the other three. They nodded and poofed away.

"That was an alright time I guess. Last time it was 2 minutes and 100 clones. Shaved one minute off.. Plus those three didn't die meaning our reflexes are getting better. And I added 20 more clones." I said to my self. That was pretty good I guess.

"Damn Rai that was amazing!" I hear someone yell. I looked behind me, team 8 came out of the shadows.

"Thanks Kibs! And you guys are finally home!" I said, I ran up and went to hug them all. Akamaru was asleep on Kiba's head. Aww such a cutie.

"D-did you miss us?" Hinata joked. OF COURSE I MISSED YOU GUYS! They had to go to these clan thingy, so they just got done.

"Nope not at all." I said smirking. We all laughed expect Shino. Such a killjoy .-.

"Your reflexes are getting better." Shino said.

"You really think so?" I asked. They all nodded .

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