side effects

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Renjun kept his eyes on the whimpering girl that was hugging him in her sleep. He felt bad for not being able to help more, feeling conflicted about his own feelings towards the girl and a certain tan idiot.

It had been an hour since they arrived, and they sincerely hoped to enjoy this trip, despite the situation they were in. Renjun was tempted to just call his idiot soulmate and tell him about everything he doesn't know, but knew that that wouldn't be right.

He wanted to let Donghyuck know how much his absence hurt Seol, but didn't want to force their bonding like that. Seol's doctor had told them about their irregular bond, and warned them that it wouldn't be easy, but who knew it would be like this.

Seol had told him about what she found out, and that her being the link in their triple bond made her different. Hyuck and him would only experience stronger feelings when their bond itself got stronger, but Seol had side effects ever since her puberty started.

Being the main link keeping their bond together, every strain on it made her physically be in pain. First it would only be episodes of depression and pain in her arm, which gradually spread all over her body. The more her bonding mark with Donghyuck faded the worse her symptoms would get if they appeared.

Tears left the man's eyes as he remembered how he had to fight the girl a few days ago to take the kitchen knife away from her. She had a particularly bad episode that day, and decided that the two men would be better off without her.

Renjun felt torn, one part of him wishing this bond would break as soon as possible, so that the girl wouldn't be in pain anymore. But then again, both were his soulmates, and no matter how much he wanted, he could never hate any of the two or blame them for their decisions.

He quickly wiped his face as he felt Seol move and wake up from her nap. Looking up at him with her big eyes, Seol couldn't help but notice the glossiness of Renjun's eyes. Smiling slightly at the gorgeous man laying beside her, she tried to push all negative thoughts away and just enjoy this trip.

It was around six in the afternoon and the two decided to go explore the area, take a walk by the beach and maybe swim a bit. After locating the kitchen, bathrooms and restaurant buildings inside the camp grounds, the two headed straight for the beach.

The part of the shore where their camp was had been private, and only people staying there could visit it. This made the crowd not as big as on public beaches, and the two could easily find a nice place to leave their towels and slippers at.

Renjun wore a simple white t-shirt and shorts, applying layers of sunscreen to his exposed arms. Seol also had shorts on, a long sleeved white shirt and her big hat, covering her swimsuit fully. The two walked to the water, strolling along the shore chatting and collecting shells.

"How about having some seafood for lunch tomorrow? I heard that fishermen sell fresh clams, mussels and octopuses every morning not far from here?"

"Sounds good! We can make seafood pasta or seafood noodles. I was also thinking of getting a smaller watermelon tomorrow, since we didn't buy one today."

The two sat down in the shallow water, enjoying the cool feeling of the water along with the slight sea breeze. Kids were playing around them, building sandcastles and learning to swim with the help of their parents. It was nice and relaxing, making the two forget about all of their problems.

Seol suddenly felt a pat on her shoulder, turning around to be met with a smiling little girl and a small boy hiding behind her. "Miss, could you tell me where you found those pretty shells? We are building a sandcastle and wanted to decorate it with shells."

The girl looked at her feet, feeling embarrassed after both pretty grown ups had their full attention on her. Now that she saw them up close, she had to admit that her little brother was right. They did indeed meet Snow White and the prince here at the beach.

Her eyes were lifted when she saw a hand full of small colorful shells held out to her, and the pretty lady smiled before speaking up. "You can take these for your castle. We've walked around and collected them because they were nice, but didn't know what to do with them. Now that there's a way to use them for something so nice, it would be a shame if we didn't give them to you."

Renjun smiled at the cute interaction between the girls, and caught sight of the small boy tugging at his sister's shirt. When the tiny human locked eyes with him, Renjun almost started cooing at his cute red cheeks. The girl thanked them for the shells and dragged her brother away to where their sandcastle was.

"Now I kinda want to make a sandcastle too." Seol remarked as she faced the sea again, seeing the male beside her nod from the corner of her eye. Looking around she spotted a place where one could rent paddle boards, and nudged Renjun's shoulder.

"Want to go now? Or tomorrow morning?" The Chinese male chuckled when he saw her eyes lit up at the question, and silently stood up. Helping Seol get up the two returned to their towels to hide from the still strong sun a bit. Snacking on some fruits and listening to quiet music while enjoying the sea breeze this vacation was almost perfect.

After a little break the two rented a paddle board and slowly made their way along the coast, admiring the trees that were lined up behind the beach. Even without speaking to eachother this was precious bonding time. Slowly floating on the water, splashing each other from time to time, the hour quickly flew by.

As the sun was already starting to set, they made their way back to their tent before taking a quick shower and changing into different clothes. While Seol was still in the bathroom, an employee came over to light their grill, just like for every other tent there. It was just great, a healing night with "campfire" and some drinks.

The fish they brought was first to land on the grill along with some corn as a snack before dinner. Seol prepared potato salad to go along with the sausages that also found their place beside the fish. While waiting for the food to be done, the two grabbed some wine and sat back in the chairs.

It was a great night, the stars shone brightly and the only things heard were the light cracking of the burning wood, faint voices from the tent further down the road and the crickets. Renjun was drawing on his tablet while Seol quietly hummed some songs, enjoying the nature before going to sleep.

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