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Seol stopped feeling the ground beneath her feet as her body was lifted and spun around by the smiling male. She squealed from the surprise, tightly wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face into the red hoodie he wore. She certainly didn't expect such a greeting after being away for only a few days, but she didn't dislike it at all.

"You're finally back~" Hyuck said cutely as he let the girl back down, not even caring about her parents watching them. Feeling Renjun's hand on his shoulder he finally let go of Seol, allowing their soulmate to also greet the girl. "Merry Christmas again! As you see, Hyuck has missed you a lot these past days... Mainly because he had to spend time with his brothers."

The two were laughing at the pouting pudu, making even Seol's parents entertained at their cute interaction. "Yah, how could both of you leave me with my brothers?! Do you know how annoying they are? And I had to spend three full days with them!"

"Why though? Jjun was here, so you could have just visited him... It's not like you don't spend more time here that at home anyways." Seol added, earning a groan from the tan male before he spoke up. "He didn't let me come over claiming how he needs some quiet time to relax!"

"Come on Hyuck, a few days with your siblings won't kill you. I still remember how excited you were when they were smaller, always babying them and playing with the two."

"Yeah, but they become more and more annoying as they grow up." Hyuck said while he followed the other two inside Seol's house and up to the girl's room. Sitting down on her bed, the purple hoodie thrown over the back of the girl's chair caught his eye. "It's purple!"

Looking at where his eyes were focused at, Seol smiled while humming in approval. "I was debating between this and the white one, but since yours are colourful then so should mine be too." She sat down on the carpet while unpacking her bag, not even minding the two boys chatting.

"My mom told me that there will be a party at the resort for new years eve, and that all guests are free to enter. Would you want to go there or should we just celebrate among eachother?" Renjun asked both of his best friends, not knowing what to expect from the party anyways.

"Well, do we know what kind of party it will be? A dinner party, cocktail party or a party party with a DJ and everything?" Donghyuck asked, earning a shrug from the older male as well as a 'no' from the girl. "Then I say we just decide what to do that day. I'll pack some clothes that can be decent for any of those occasions, so if we end up going I'll wear them."

"Wait... Now that I think about it, it might be more of a club or cocktail party." Seol said as she remembered the dress she received as Christmas gift.

"What do you know that we don't?"

"My mother gave me a party dress as part of my present, and since she was the one organising our trip that leaves me with a conclusion that it's going to be that kind of a party." Seol said as she lifted the black lump of material full of big scale-like sequins, that had reflected the light in a blueish or purpleish hue.

"That makes sense. But did you seriously get that as your present while we got some weird kinky stuff?"

"I said part of it. But you don't have to feel wronged, because my birthday present was a box filled with those kinds of things." Seol sighed, remembering the box that she found the day after her birthday, just after sending the two off.

She had to admit that she was a bit disappointed but not surprised at all by its contents, slipping it underneath her bed after placing the pink notebook inside too.

"Anyways, we're leaving in three days! Did you check the ski resort hotel?" Seol asked the two, still having no idea where they would be staying at.

"I did check it out, and it looks quite nice... And expensive. The hotel also has jacuzzi tubs in all suites, so our room might have one too."

"This all feels a bit too fancy, but since it's Seol's birthday present as well I won't assume that our parents are seeing it as a honeymoon." Hyuck answered while peeking at the pictures on Renjun's phone, liking the hotel's rustic interior.

"Okay, I'll pack my swimsuit in any case. And I'll be also taking my blow dryer so you don't need one. Anything else that we don't need to take double of?" Seol asked as she wrote her list of what to pack.

"We'll probably need some sunscreen if we go skiing, so I'll bring that. And some body lotion too, since the cold weather will dry out our skin quickly." Renjun added, making the other two nod in agreement.

"I can bring some board games and consoles, since it gets dark quickly and we'll spend a lot of time in our room." Donghyuck said, being the one with the biggest game collection as well as the one who's unable to just relax and do nothing for long.

"Okay, that's done. For the rest, we need warm outdoor clothing, something for the party, some regular clothes for the restaurant... And cozy clothes for lounging inside. Don't forget to pack enough socks, and clothes you can layer on." Seol warned the two, knowing that the weather up in the mountains would be even more chilly.

Earning a loving pat on her head, the girl jotted down some more necessary things on her paper before putting it aside. Their rough plan was finished, and now it was just up to waiting for their departure to arrive.


The carrier was packed full, and Seol's dad helped her take it downstairs, surprised at the weight of it. She didn't go overboard with the clothes, and only packed necessary stuff, but them being bulky required the big carrier to fit everything in.

Holding her traveling bag that had her extra battery, snacks for the train ride, and some other necessary things, she walked outside to the car. Her dad already loaded her and Renjun's carriers, waiting for Donghyuck to arrive.

The mothers were talking outside the house, checking if the kids had packed everything and making sure that they had taken the train tickets and the reservation cheque. Hyuck arrived with his mother, going straight for his bag and taking it to Mr Min's car. His mother had approached her friends, not forgetting to greet the kids and wish them fun.

Mr Min dropped the trio off at the train station, leaving them after making sure they knew their way. "So, now we're on our own. How long is the train ride taking?"

"It should be a bit over 3 hours, so we need to buy food and drinks first." Renjun added before leading the way to the coffee shop, buying coffee for the three of them. They also bought sandwiches and some sodas before heading for their platform.

Their seats were in the wagon with smaller separate cabins, the three being alone in their four person separee. After putting the carriers up on the racks, the three had made themselves comfortable and waited for the train to depart.

Seol watched as her soulmates dozed off after eating breakfast and looking outside the windows for a while. Leaning on to eachother, the two males soundly slept on the gently rocking train. The girl just continued reading her book with headphones on, enjoying soft music along with it.

They arrived at their station around one in the afternoon, being greeted by snow as far as the eyes could see. The ski resort was made like a small village, and the three decided to spend their first day exploring the facilities and the little food stalls when it becomes dark. Pulling their carriers, they slowly walked up towards the hotel, being grateful for the snow-free path.

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