Chapter 24 - Piece three

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[Ace's POV]

I really don't know why Ms. Perry had to be this stereotypical. Who even asks their students to underline their headings anymore? As far as I know, teachers of today were supposed to be lame and unbothered. But this woman on the other hand...

Anyways, I was in English class. Nothing, absolutely nothing was interesting except for the rusted desks and the casual passers-by on the corridor. I saw Veah tampering with her pencil, looking just as fed up as I am. So I decided to drop a text.

Wanna head out?  I sent it while sneakily hiding the phone under my desk.

Right now?



"Uh, Ms. Perry! I think I have to go talk to Principal Morris about the yearbook. Would you mind?"

"Excused.", Ms. replied with her eyes focused on the note she was writing on the board.

2 minutes later I successfully managed to get excused for a pee break. I made my way out of the class to see Veah with her hands crossed beside the farthest locker. I reached her as we decided to settle in the east-bench.

The snowing was not that bad today. We cleaned the bench-surface and sat down.

"So...", she started.

"Well, this is weird...", I replied.


"So you and Zach are like...Nothing?"

"I wouldn't say that.", she said and I felt a bit uneasy.

"We are friends.", she continued. I was overreacting.

"What about us?"

"What about us Ace...", she replied as tiny drops of snow settled on either sides of her cheeks.

"I mean..."

There was a good minute of silence.

"Can I just have a hug though?", her voice sounded unstable. She was tearing up.

I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around her as she sobbed into my chest.

"What's wrong?"

"I dunno Ace...I dunno...It's just that so many people expect so much from me. I just...My mom has been giving me the cold shoulder for breaking up with Zach. Then I'm supposed to be this ideal, confident and unproblematic head-girl, but no one gives a fuck about what I care about. I know I'm sounding like the cliche  high-school depressed girl, but it's not that. If you were in my shoes, you would understand. I feel so strained." , she released while crying as hard as she could.

"Veah...Listen. I know things can get hard and I am certainly the type of person to understand that. You know why...As cringe as it is, I am there for you. You can rely on me, okay?", I replied as I adjusted her hair.

"I know Ace...I know."

"So...Why'd you wanna come here?", she asked as she wiped off her tears.

"Nothing, just time I guess?", I replied.

"You sure?"

"I mean yeah...", I wanted to tell her. It was at the tip of my tongue.

"Nah, that's not it...Tell me...", she realized I was hiding something.

"I need to tell you something."

"And what is that?", she crooked her head.


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