Chapter 27 - What you see, isn't always the truth

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(Tressa's POV)

"You bitch!", she slapped me again as I dodged the previous one.

"Just one job! One fucking job! I don't even know why we trusted you with this...Get away from me before I fucking kill you!", she bit her teeth aggressively.

I didn't try to argue, so I did as she said.

Karen. My oh-so-amazing foster mom. Not that I have never gone through this, but today it was partially my fault. I messed up when I just had one goddamn thing to do and well, luck is never on my side when it comes to this family. I gulped down the lump on my throat and left for school.

I didn't try to even think about it cause what happened, already happened and nothing I did after that would change the aftermath. Blankly, I reached school with a few stares clung onto me here and there.

On my way to the locker I found Shane and Noah staring at me with their eyes widened. Having no clue of what was going on, I walked towards them with a forced chuckle.

"Yo, what the hell is up with you guys?", I asked.

"Tressa...Your...Your cheek.", Noah replied.


"Oh, that...Yeah I was cleaning the kitchen counter and slipped on some water falling face down to the floor. It was a big one...Phew!", I laughed nervously waiting for them to buy it.

Usually, I would wear make-up to school and cover all this up with foundation, but guess what? Tressa Ramirez had forgotten to even wear make-up today. No wonder I got a few bold stares down the hallway, cause I'm never without makeup. The incident today distracted me from focusing on anything before leaving the house. I was starting to get a bit nervous right now because they didn't seem convinced by my excuse at the slightest.

"No. That's not it Tressa...That's clearly not it.", Shane argued.

"Huh? What?", I questioned.

"The scar. I'm pretty sure that's a slap.", Noah said.

"What? No no no no...I know what you guys are thinking but that's not what happened!"

"Tressa, come on...Why hide it from us? You know you can tell us anything right?", Shane said.

"Guys. You know what, this is what's wrong with the both of you. You try to meddle into shit you have no business in. Can we drop this please?"

"Wow. Looking out for someone is meddling into business? Tressa listen. The reason all of us are so fucking close right now is because we meddle into each other's business. It's because we look into each other's matters and try to work shit out. We know how things are with your foster family, so why lie?", Noah explained.

I don't know why but something about that made me feel so secure all of a sudden. I felt like I could actually rely on the both of them. What good would it do for me to hide it from them after all? I mean...It was risky but it was high time.

"Fine...Lunch break. Abandoned janitor's room. Only the both of you.", I clarified.

The both of them nodded and we parted our ways. Now for the rest of the day till lunch break I was paranoid. I started over-thinking about all the negative outcomes of this. The last time I shared something with these guys they fucking came to my doorstep and indirectly threatened that bitch Karen. What if they pull out something like that? Then again, if I warn them about the risk of doing that in this case they would understand. They are my rides or die after all.

Lunch break came sooner than ever and as we planned the three of us met up at the janitor's room.

"Okay. What I'm gonna tell you guys is gonna sound really messed up but I want you guys to promise me one thing. No matter what, you cannot report this shit or go threaten anyone. Understand. Because by doing that you are not only risking my entire life, but you are gonna mess my whole plan up. So...You guys agree?", I said.

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