Winter Wrap Up

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Your POV:

I was asleep like a cat and I was having this wonderful dream of being in a Pokémon world competing in the Pokémon league and I had sent out (m/n) and she was finding to beat the champions Haxorus when all of the sudden. "Spike, (y/n), wake up. Wake up, wake up, it's Winter Wrap Up day!" "Ahhhh!!!" I yelled as I fell out of bed and onto the floor. "Huh? Mommy?"

I heard Spike say as I got up only to be greeted by a smiling Twilight. "Winter Wrap Up!" "You're not mommy." Spike said as Twilight was bouncing with joy and was lazily opening eyes. "Ugh.... What time is it?" I asked as I yawned. "Why it's the first day of spring tomorrow and everypony is going to be cleaning up winter." Twilight told me. "Ugh...! You know the sun isn't just around to just light the planet and feed the plants. It can also melt snow." I said as I was pulling the blanket back to my bed.

"In your world maybe, but here, we clean up winter." Twilight said. "Yeah, we use magic." Spike said. "In Canterlot they do, but here in Ponyville, they don't use any magic. It's traditional." Twilight explained. "Yeah, yeah.... We all got the history listen yesterday. I said as I went to get my winter clothes.

"Okay, let's see: scarf, check; saddle, check; boots, check; (y/n) in winter boots, hat, scarf, and sweater, check; (m/n)'s food in the ready so she won't get hangry while we are cleaning up winter, check; (m/n)'s spare food, check; (m/n)'s spare spare food, check; Spike refusing to get up and going back to sleep, check. It's a good thing I'm so organized, I'm ready." Twilight said as she had finished her check list as we were heading out the door. "Bright and early." She said as she opened the door to a starry night. ".....I think you might be a bit too excited for this event." I said. "Yeah...." She said as she closes the door.

Time skip

"Wow, it's very crowded today." I said as it was actually morning and me, Twilight, and Spike were out at town hall where the mayor was on a stage. I saw that dozen of ponies were wearing different colored vests. "Those must be the team vests Rarity designed. Blue for the weather team, green for the plant team, and tan for the animal team. I wonder which team vest I'll be wearing." Twilight said as she was beaming with happiness.

"I'll take a blue vest, same color as my blankie, which I think I hear calling my name. "Spike! Spike! Come to bed!" Ugh, it's too early." Spike said who was still tired. "Come on Spike, it's not that early." I said as the mayor was getting everyone's attention. "Now, all of you have your vests, and have been assigned to your teams, so let's do even better than last year, and have the quickest Winter Wrap Up ever!"

She said as everyone was cheering and Twilight was literally jumping with joy. "All right everypony, find your team leader, and let's get galloping!" She said as all the ponies went to their teams. "Oh gosh, where should I go? I'm not sure where I fit in. What exactly does everypony do?" Twilight asks. "Well, let's see what-" before I could finish my sentence all of the sudden the world went dark. "What the!?! What's going on here!?" I yelled as I was trying to find light.


As the lights go back on (y/n) walked into Twilight. "Oh my goodness! I finally found you and light! Everything was dark and I couldn't find anyone and all I could see was dark blackness and I just heard singing!? Please tell me I wasn't the only one who notice!?" (Y/n) yelled in worry. "What are you talking about? Ah doesn't matter. We have a job to look for!" Twilight said as she walked away. "Butbutbutbut!! Ahhhh forget it!!" (Y/n) yelled as he/she ran to catch up to Twilight and Spike.

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