Luna Eclipsed

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Your pov:

It had been two months since my friends talked to me about fears and stuff. I still have those fears but not as much since then. But I've been getting back to my normal routine or what counts as normal. I'm still training, but only for early mornings so I could hang with my friends. I usually help Twilight and Spike with the library, help Twilight with research on Pokémon, read books, and do other magic and science research. With spike we discuss comics and mares..... which is mostly Spike talking about Rarity.

With Rarity I help with being a model for her. She also teaches me about high society and stuff like that and have relaxing trips at the spa with Fluttershy. With Fluttershy I helped with making sure the animals and Pokémon were feeling better. We also have tea and talk about our knowledge on animals and Pokémon. Although at some point she started teaching me to knit? Anyway, With Rainbow, we've been doing crazy stunts together.... I can't fly, it's just that we do stunts that both of us can do and give each other pointers. We also went to a wonderbolt show that was in Cloudsdale. We also spent time with Pinkie doing pranks which was pretty fun.

With Pinkie, I help her with setting up parties and cleaning up the parties. She started teaching me to cook which is useful considering that Spike was usually the one who cooks..... We never let Twilight cook, I learnt that the hard way. Pinkie would sometimes have small parties with me, Gummy, and (m/n) which were pretty fun.... Although it would help if it wasn't in her room because it was verrrrryyyy awkward sitting in a room where her body pillows of me and the others were on her bed where I can see. Finally is Aj and I help her around the farm. Bucking apples was hard..... for the trees, but I did managed to learn to control my strength. I've learned that Aj was a manga lover which was surprisingly awesome. Because I didn't expect her to be a manga lover. Her collection of manga series were Naruto and Pony ball! Still not sure why there version of Dragon Ball was called that since that was the main change here but whatever!

So yeah, my life since has been good and today is gonna be the best! Because today is based on one of my favorite holidays. Today was Nightmare Night! A time for candy, scare pranks, Tping a house, costumes, and horror movies.... At the Ponyville theater thru a projector screen but still. I was dressed as a team Rocket Grunt and I was ready to hit the town! In fact, I think I'm gonna sing. I took a big breathe and I was about to start when I heard. "How do I look?" I was interrupted by Twilight who was in her costume.

 "How do I look?" I was interrupted by Twilight who was in her costume

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"You look great!..... uhhhh..... your Gandalf?" I said. "I'm Star Swirl the Bearded!" She said as I looked at her in confusion. "Father of the amniomorphic spell?" "......." "He's like only the most important conjurer of the pre-classical era....... He created more than two hundred spells! He even has a shelf in the Canterlot library of magic named after him." "......" "ugh!!! Looks like we're gonna have to do a history lesson tomorrow." She said. "What?! I mean, .....Noooo of course I know Star loop" "Swirl." "Swirl the bearded..... he's like..... only the greatest wizard of all time. Hahahaaaaaa......" I said nervously as she stares at me. ".....There's gonna be a test isn't there." "Yep!"

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