The Perfect Gift part three

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So I had a bit of a dark Mlp make your mark theory about Misty. You know how Opaline said she "found" Misty. Misty had to be very young to not have a cutie mark or know any unicorn traditions and she would have to be very little for that to work. I doubt Opaline would go out of her way to go and kidnap a very young foal to take care of just for a minion. One of two ways this could happen. Misty's parents had to be close to Opaline's castle and I doubt Opaline wanted any witnesses to her when magic wasn't around and we haven't seen any dangerous animals in G5 yet so it kinda leaves just one kinda dark thought when one thinks about it. Yeah..... I don't think Opaline really "found" Misty more like.... More of stuck with her and a unwanted minion. Of course this is just based on what I see in make your mark and what I learn.

Your pov:

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Me and Twilight yelled until we stopped by an annoyingly painful headache which we lay back down on the bed while holding our heads, facing away from each other. "Ughhhh......" we both groaned as we waited till our heads weren't aching like someone was hitting me on the head with a steel bat. Apparently I was also having a hard time opening my eyes because they were also aching like someone was shoving a icicle into my eyes.

"S-s-sooooo....." I heard Twilight began. "Sooooo....." I answered back but the headache was certainly not making this easy. "I-I-I-it appears..... that we may of....." "Yeah....." we said as we laid there unsure how to respond to each other. We stayed quiet for a while not wanting to say anymore but we both know that we had to. We sighed and we slowly sat up but it was proving quite a challenge.

"Ughh.... So this is what a hungover is like..... I'm never drinking again." Twilight said. "Yeahhhhh..... I'm also regretting it as well." I said. "Well, where should weeeee....." Twilight abruptly stops we she looks around the room, which I looked as well and the entire room was a mess. There were five chalkboards and each of them had written graphs and stuff about different..... erotic positions. Also in the room were tons of books and each of them were something saucy. Like they were about positions and other stuff that I don't want to talk about.

Also in the room were a bunch of adult toys and all the furniture is messed up and there were a very powerful smell in the room and we both know what it could be. "......Soooo....." "Sooooo....." We both said as we just looked around the entire scene that must've happened in this room. "What did we do!?" Twilight yelled. "I think the better question should be..... what didn't we do?" I said as I looked to see Twilight glaring at me. "......To soon?" I smiled nervously.

"Ughhhh...... What are we gonna do...." Twilight groaned. "I don't know.... But maybe we should figure where we are?" I suggested. Twilight then slowly got up and slowly and groaningly walked to the window and looked out and then she groaned. ".....I'm gonna assume it's not good?" I asked her. "We're in the castle!!" She yelled in despair.

"Ooohhh.... Yeah.... That's not good." I said as I slowly tried to get up only to fall to the ground. "Owwww....." ".....Need hel-" Twilight began but she ran to the bathroom and there was a loud barfing sound coming from the bathroom. I then heard a knock coming from the front door. "......I guess I'll get it....." I said as I slowly got up and I slowly and tiredly walked to the door and opened it and I saw Tempest. "Uhhhhh..... can I help you?" I asked her.

"Yes. Pinkie told me that you were here." She said. "How does Pinkie know that I'm her- Oh what ma I saying, it's probably because of her Pinkie senses." I said to myself. "Actually she said she slept with you and Twilight last night and that she was getting you two breakfast and coffee and will explain everything when she comes back." She told me. "I see..... Thanks for passing the message." I said.

"Your welcome, now! I came here by princess Luna and she wants me to ask you, when is your birthday?" She asked me. ".....My birthday?" "Yes, your birthday. When is it?" She demanded "it's (Your birth date)." "Thank you." She said as she leaves. ".....Weird?" I said as I closed the door. I saw Twilight slowly walking out of the bathroom groaning. "Who was at the door?" She asked me. "Tempest." I told her. "Did she came because of us?" She asked me in worry.

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