The Crystal Empire part eleven

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Previously on the sword of Harmony:

Spike pov:

We were running through the plains and we had entered the Empire. "Alright, we just have to enter the castle and return you back to your body. Then all of the empire is restored." Shining said as we are running. "Yep! ....Uhhhh.... You did unlocked the door to castle.... Right?" Magearna asks as we stopped. "No..... it's locked." Sunset said. "Do you know where the key is?" Aj asked her. "Why it's with Kelfki, of course!"

She said as we sighed. "Alright. Let's get to looking." Shining said as I then asks. "Is that it?" I point to a floating keychain with eyes. "Yep! That's him." She said as it then flees. "Get it!" Aj yells as we began chasing it. We were chasing it all over the empire when an Ice Golem like creature appears in our way. "Regi-ice! Reg regi-Ice!" It says as it fires a beam of ice. Sunset then fired a fire spell to counter the attack. "Go! I'll distract it!" Sunset yells as we nod and we began chasing after the key.

We managed to chase it to a corner. "Alright! Got it!" I yelled as shining grabs the Pokémon and brings it over to us. "Which one is the key?" He asks Magearna. "The one with the heart." "Which color?" "Pink." "Which pink?" "Sea pink." She said as I grabbed the key but the Klefki won't let go. "Uhhhh.... How do we get it to let go?" I asked. "He has a ticklish spot on his forehead." Magearna said as I began to tickle it and it began to laugh. "Got it!" I said with the key in my claws. "Now let's go!" Aj said as we let go of the kelfki and began heading to the castle. "Hey! Where is Twilight and the others?" I asked in confusion of seeing Nopony around. "I'm sure they're fine.

No pov:

"Ahhhhhhhhhhbhhhhhhbbhhbhhbhhhh!!!!!!! I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!! I DONT HAVE MY PLAN!!!??" Twilight was yelling as Pinkie was on the bed. "Breathe Twilight! Breathe!" She tells her as (y/n) was going through pillows and blankets. "I can't find a pillow or blanket that is soft enough!" He/she yells as Cadence was in the hallway yelling. "Where is the doctor!" "None of the ponies are foal doctors!" Rainbow answers. "WHAAAAAAT!! Then whose gonna deliver the foals!?!!" Twilight yells in fear. "I can help." Fluttershy asks. "You can!" Twilight says. "Yes, I've done this for my animal friends so I have some experience." She told us. "Thank you." Twilight says in relief.

Spike pov:

We managed to reach to the castle door but a purple creature made of crystals..... wow those crystals look delicious. Uh I mean! "That thing is blocking the door!" I yelled. "Wait? That's Diancie! She's my captain." Magearna told us. "Intruders! Prepare to die a horrible death or an extremely horrible death where I will laugh at your pain." She said as the three of us looked at Magearna. "Hey. Don't look at me. Her hearts corrupted by shadows. She's actually very nice when her heart is back to light." She told us.

"I'll handle her. Spike, Applejack. Run when I engage her." He said as walks over to her. "So you wish to die? Very well. I'll be sure to tell your family you died in the most embarrassing way possible." She said as Shining fires a spell at her which we then ran around the two and head to the door. We unlocked the door and we ran inside. "Alright, I'll we have to do is find the throne room." I said. "Any ideas?" Aj asked Magearna. "Yep! I know this place like the back of my soul." She said as she began to give us directions to the throne room.

We then reached to a big door. "This is the place." She said. "Alright! Let's get you back to your-" I began to say until we went in and we saw sleeping on the floor was a huge flying hydra.

 "Alright! Let's get you back to your-" I began to say until we went in and we saw sleeping on the floor was a huge flying hydra

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(A normal Hydregion is 5'11 feet tall. This one is 12'20 feet tall. Also imagine it covered in scars.)

"Oh yeahhhhh.... I forgot that Nyx sleeps here." Magearna said. "Nyx?" Aj said in fear. "Yeah! She was a small Deino when I found her. I adopted her and she's been with me ever since." She said. "Are you telling me that Fluffy. Is gonna become that thing!" I said in fear of remembering that Twilight has a Deino living back home. "I believe so." Aj said. "Ok.... Let's just slowly walk around it and place magaerna back into her body." I said as we tiptoe our way around it.

But then it open its eyes and begins to fly up and roars. "I guess she must've sensed me." Magearna said as we froze as Nyx slowly glares at us. "Hey ugly! Come and get me!!" Aj yells as she runs to the left. "Aj!" I yelled. "Don't worry about me! I can take care of myself. Now get Magearna back to her body!" She yells as Nyx begins trying to hit Aj. "Alright!" I yelled as I ran to the throne. As I ran up there I saw the body.

 As I ran up there I saw the body

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"Huh.... I guess I lost some of my coloring." Magearna said. "Alright, how do I put you in there?" I asked her. "Just gently place me between the arms and rest will be up to me." She told me as I place her by the arms and she floats up and goes in to the body which it begins to float up. "It begins to glows and it begins to flash.

No pov:

Outside of the castle the entire castle begins to glow. The entire Empire begins to glow as all the crystals begin to shine and the mechanical elements begin to turn and regain power. Soon all the Pokémon begin to glow and all of the eerie purple aura disappear and all the Pokémon were looking around in confusion. Shining was fighting Diancie when she begins to glow and her purple colors were replaced with her normal pink colors. "Where am I? Who are you?" She asks as Shining sighs in relief.

In the hospital the power goes back on and all the crystal ponies begin to glow and now they all look like they are made of crystals. "My memories. I remember! I remember everything before Sombra!" One of the crystal ponies say as all of them were cheering about their memories returning. "Woah! I think they did it! The Empire is restored!" (Y/n) said as Pinkie then screams. "Oh right!" He/she yells as he/she ran to the bed.

Spike pov:

"Hooray!! We did it!" I cheered as Magearna floats back down. "Ahhhhhh.... It feels so good to move my body parts." She said as Aj walks over to us with Nyx behind us. "Nyx! It's soo good to see you again!" Magearna said as she hugs her hydregion. "Thank you, my friends. My kingdom is saved." She said as she hugs us. "It's no problem." I said. "Yeah, we're just happy to help. Now! Let's see if we can find Twilight. I'm sure she'll be happy to know that your safe." Aj told me. "That's sounds like a plan. Come Magearna. I bet Twiligt would love to meet you." I said. "That's sounds great. I believe they are at the hospital." She told us. "The hospital!?" "Don't worry. The hospital is a bunker. So they must've went there to stay safe." She told us as I sighed in relief as we left the room.

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