The Perfect Gift Part four

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Pinkie pov:

It was late at night and for some reason Twilight had disappeared from her party and my Pinkie senses was telling me to find her. Fluttershy and Applejack had to head home because of their work. Rarity went back to her guest room, Rainbow went out to look for a bar to score. Although it's kinda late for that and not a lot of single horny ponies are gonna be out this late at night. Finally I have no idea where (y/n) was at but I'm sure he/she is fine.

I was skipping along in the castle when I could hear some ponies who were clearly drunk talking which I opened the door only to see that it was Twilight and (y/n). "And is said- Hic! That the only way..... and that's the story of how I feel about..... And there you go!" (Y/n) said who was hiccuping slurring his/her words. "That's! Hic!! Such a great story.... Hic! You should write a poem..." Twilight said as giggled a bit and I walked over to them.

"Hey there my little drunk friends.... How are you two?" I asked them as I sat down next to them so I can make sure that they can get to a guest room safely. "Pinkie!!!" They yelled excitedly as they then started to snuggle all over me. "Your just in time for our party!" Twilight said. "Yeah.... It's gonna be legend- Wait for it... Dary!" (Y/n) said as they did not stop snuggling all over me.

I giggled a bit as I tried to get them off of me but they weren't gonna let that happen. "And why is that?" I asked them hoping that they would tire out so I could guide them to bed. "Wellllllll!!!!..... Tell me Pie..... Have you ever wondered..... Hic! ....How is Celestia and Luna are alicorns when there hasn't been any others?" Twilight asked me. "Not really?" I told her. "Exactly! There hasn't been any others.... Well there was my old foalsitter but she told me it was because of a big magical bird that revived her when she was a foal. But the point stands.... Why hasn't there been any other alicorns?"

"Hic! Have you tried asking.... Asking.... Hold on I'm trying to remember the name." (Y/n) said who was trying to remember. "Celestia?" I told him/her. "Yeah! Tall sun butt!" (Y/n) exclaimed as Twilight laughed. "Her butt is a sun! Hehehe..... speaking of butts." Twilight said as the two finally let go of me but then I felt Twilight's magic surround me. I was then turned upside down. "Uhhhhh.... What's going on?" I asked in worry. "Shhhh.... Twilight is judging." (Y/n) told me who was sitting in front of me while what I am guessing is Twilight looking at my flank.

"Okay Pinkie.... Your two friends are drunk and possibly horny.... I know you dreamed of a moment like this ever since we meet them. But you always imagined that it would be with all your friends and everypony is sober..... This is gonna be hard.... Especially when one of them is strong with magic and she could.... Ohhhh.... Do things to me..... No! Focus! We have to tire them out somehow." I thought ad I felt my flank touch the ground which I sighed in relief. "Ok! Hic! ....She has the hips!" I heard Twilight say as I saw (y/n) did a hoof pump.

"Uhhh.... What do you mean by.... "Has the hips?"" I asked her. "I don't know.... Hic!" (Y/n) said. "It means..... She is the perfect carrier for us to make an Alicorn!!" Twilight cheered as (y/n) joined in. ".........Uh oh......" I said in worry. "Stupid flank! Why did I have to love eating all those sugary sweets!?!?!" I mentally yelled as the two drunks were talking..... Well.... Twilight was, (y/n) was just slurring all of his/her words while hiccuping like mad.

"Calm down Pinkie..... you can still stop this and nothing will happen." I mentally told myself as I took a deep breath and prepared myself on what to say. "Look guys.... Don't you think making an alicorn is a bit..... Crazy? Don't you two want to sleep on this subject?" I asked them hoping that they would take the bait and go to bed. "Nope!" "I agree with Twilight! All those romance fan fiction's and listening to all the stories in college was frustrating and I'm note sure I can hold it anymore!" (Y/n) said. "Yeah! My alone time in my pillow igloo is not helping anymore, especially living with this pony." Twilight said as she gave (y/n) a sideways hug.

"Hahahahahahaaaa!!! Maybe you should think about this still? I mean.... We don't have a Pegasus." I nervously told them. "Ugggghhhhhhhh!!!!! She's right! We have to have one! The only way this could work if one of Pinkie's ancestors was a Pegasus...." Twilight groaned which I mentally cheered because there won't be any bed stuff with my drunk friends. "Let's just find one! This whole palace is filled with Pegasus guards!" (Y/n) said which scared me. "Oh snap! I didn't think of that!" I thought as I then quickly said. "Wait! I do have a Pegasus ancestor." I told them.

"Oh good! We don't have to get some random guard." Twilight said. "So what's the plan!" (Y/n) asked loudly. "First! We're gonna get every book on magic for this and then we're gonna find a room!" Twilight announced as (y/n) cheered and I was groaning. "Okayyyyy.... I really need them to be tired when we find a room. Ughhhh.... This is the worse night ever and it can't possibly get any worse."

Time skip

"It could." I said as we were in the room and apparently Twilight had decided to get chalkboards, books that weren't just about magic, and then she managed to find a bunch of toys..... And the even worst part was that they were better then the ones that I have stashed under my bed. "Alright! Let me study all these books real quick and then we are gonna rock that bed till an Alicorn is made!" Twilight said as she picked up some books and a piece of chalk and started doing equations and stuff.

"Okay. She's gonna be on the chalkboard for a while so they might fall asleep before we do anything. All I have to do is make sure that they get tired and fall asleep. It's a good thing that Twilight will analyze first then just wing it. Even when she's drunk! I can't lose!" I thought in happiness that Nopony will have any regrets in the morning. "Ok, done." "WHAT!?!!" I yelled in surprise of what Twilight said and I saw that all the chalkboards were filled and all the books were open and had many notes sticky notes in them.

"Okayyyyy....... I did not know that drunk Twilight is a fast analyst." I thought in shock of how fast Twilight did all this. "Great! Let's get the fun times rolling!!" (Y/n) yelled in excitement as he/she was jumped into bed. "Let me just take off this dress first." Twilight said as she was taking off the dress that Rarity gave her and I was trying to think of a way to stop this.

"This isn't good. What am I going to do!?" I was mentally panicking as Twilight was done undressing. "Alright! Let's begin." She said. "I can't do this!?" I yelled. "What?" They said in confusion. "I'm sorry but I can't do this! Any other time I would be open to this but I just can't!" I told them. "Why?" Twilight asked which I was about to answer but (y/n) kinda answered for me. "I think it's because it's her first time and she's just not ready for the real thing." "Really? I didn't think of that?" Twilight said as they were now discussing what they think I was feeling.

"This isn't my first time with another pony but if these two think that then I don't have to worry about what's going to happen." I thought. "Yep! That's exactly it. I'm just don't feel ready." I awkwardly said. "Awwww.... But I was really looking forward to this." (Y/n) said in disappointment. "It's a real tragedy, now how about you turn in for the night?" I offered as I was fixing to leave until. "We don't need Pinkie. Sure we don't have Pinkie's dna to make an alicorn we can just do with a unicorn and Keldeo pony." Twilight said as I stopped dead in my tracks.

"I suppose your right..... But I think you should be the one to get ready for the time of your life because you have the hips!" (Y/n) said. "Yeahhhh!!! Thanks to eating at Sugarcube corner. I have the hips that don't lie!" Twilight said as I was banging my head on the door. "Curse my awesome baking skills and making sure Twilight will have the squishy soft figure! Ughhhh.... I could leave and not have to deal with this..... But unfortunately...... I'm gonna regret leaving when Twilight could get pregnant because I didn't stop them. Looks like I'm stuck here..... Hopefully they will fall asleep before they even do anything..... well, let's do this." I thought as I turn around. "I change my mind!" I told them. "Great! Let's get started with this!" Twilight said as she held up a crazy looking toy and a open book that is turned to a very erotic pose. "G-g-g-great." I said as I can only hope that they will get tired soon.

.......Yeah, they fell asleep at 11:30 Am.

So a new trailer for Pokémon Scarlet and violet came out today and it showcased the Electric type gym leader Iono, Who is a internet influencer. The trailer was showing us who this gym leader is and describing her partner Pokémon and making us guess. I have no idea what it is supposed to be but I'm guessing it's a new Pokémon. Hopefully the next video will come out soon.

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