Fall Weather Friends

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Your POV:

It was a peaceful day as me, Rainbow, and Applejack were playing horseshoes..... which is kinda ironic when one thinks about it. Right now it was Rainbow's turn. She tosses the horseshoe and it hits the target. "Whoo-hoo!" She yelled.

"Lucky shot. But watch how I can do throw it." I said as I toss the shoe and it misses the target and hits a branch. "Oh." I said as Rainbow was laughing. "Watch how a pro can do this." AJ said as she tosses the shoe which misses the target. "Heh! Looks like this Pegasus can pitch better than the workhorse and the fightinghorse. You two do know that the object of the game is to get the closest to the stake." Rainbow jokingly said.

"All right, all right. You got another throw there, pony girl." AJ told her as Rd tosses a shoe which misses. "Wow! Stormtroopers have better aim then you." I sarcastically said. "Uhh... is that bad?" rainbow asked. "Yeah." I said as AJ laughed. "Yeah, yeah. I still have the closest throw, Applesmack, (y/..... ummm..... Just try and beat it." Rainbow said.

I then tossed my shoe with small power and it managed to hit the target. "Yes! In your face!" I yelled. "I didn't think you would be the competitive type." AJ said as she gets ready to toss her shoe. "You think pokemon was a non competitive game?" I said as she tosses her shoe. "Yee-haw! It's a ringer. That's how you do it down here on the farm."

"I lost." "Umm.... Did I get second? I honestly don't how this game well enough to be frustrated that I lose or happy that I won?" I asked. "You lost." AJ said. "Dang it! If we were playing Pokémon I would totally crush you!" I said in frustration. "Ah, don't feel bad, Rainbow, (y/n). It's all in good fun." AJ said. "I hate losing." "You wouldn't be this smug if we were doing a Pokémon battle." I muttered.

"You two are great athletes. But I'm just better. Heh heh heh." AJ said. "All right, Applejack, you think you're the top athlete in all of Ponyville?" Rainbow said. "Well, I was gonna say in all of Equestria, but that might be gildin' the lily." AJ said. "...and I think I'm the top athlete. So let's prove it." Rainbow said. "Prove what?" "I challenge you to an Iron Pony competition. A series of athletic contests to decide who's the best, once and for all." "I want in." I said as I was now between them. "If anything. I haven't been focusing my fainting type half as much as my water type and I think this would be a great way to train and beating the both of you will just be a nice bonus." I said.

"You know what, Rainbow? (Y/n)? You're on." AJ said as we bumped our hooves together.


"So you three are doing what, now?" Twilight asked us as me, Rainbow, and Applejack were training for the competition. "An Iron—" AJ began as Rainbow interrupts saying. "Iron Pony competition." "See, we've set up a bunch of events to decide which one of us is—" "The most athletic pony ever!" "And I'm here to...?" Twilights asks us. "Be our judge." I told her as the three of us were ready for the event.

Time skip

"Hello everypony, and welcome to the first annual Iron Pony competition!" I heard Spike yell out through a makeshift microphone. I then saw the rest of our friends were watching. "I wonder when they got here? Actually how did they know about this? .... Doesn't matter. I'm up first."

I thought as I got up to the starting line where I see the pathway that had barrels in the way. "Ready. Set. Go!" I heard Twilight yelled as I charged at the barrels and ram them out of the way to the finish line. "And that's how it is done!" I said with a smirk. "Uh.... (Y/n)?" "Yes?" I said as Twilight walked up to me. "Y-you do know that you were supposed to go around the barrels.... Right?" "I wasn't supposed to ram them?" "No." She told me. "Ohhh....."

Rainbow won the barrel run and now the next event was the strength test but instead of using a hammer it was using our hind hooves. I was the third one to go.... Right after we fixed the bell and target. I walked up to the target, turned around, raised my hind hooves and kicked as hard as I could.... I lost due to breaking the the thing and launching the ball thing off the thing and into a tree. ".....I really need to learn to control my new strength." I said as the winner of this event was Applejack.

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