Ultra wedding part three

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Your pov:

I was at the statue area of the garden trying to find whatever had flown around here. "Hmmm.." I looked around but I couldn't find anything. "I could've sworn that I saw something flew here?" I said in confusion as I was at the center. "Hmmm... must've been my imag-" I was then hit in the head which rendered me to black out.

No pov:

As (y/n) falls to the ground a Nihilego was hovering behind the Keldeo. It then places a tentacle on the Keldeo's head for a while until it retracts and slams the tentacle on the ground in anger and then flies off to the city.

Rainbow pov:

Me and Lunar had reached the room where I had reserved and I opened the door for her. "Why, thank you." She said. "Anything for you m'lady." I said as I closed the door and then flew to a chair which I pulled it for her as she sat down and I went to my seat. "So how are you?" She asked me. "I'm great, I'm gonna be performing a Sonic Rainboom at the end of the royal wedding." "The royal wedding! My what a opportunity of a life time. I can only imagine that the wonderbolts will see you." She told me.

"Yeah, but unfortunately they aren't gonna be in Canterlot during that time. Besides, I have other things that I will be focus on at the moment." I said. "Like what?" She asked me. "Well there's Havoc.... There's also.... Look, I know we have this 25 dates thing and..... I will admit that I did take this bet because the challenge of having..... anyway, it was a bit frustrating at first but over time..... i may of..... developed some sort of crush.... Now I know you like to.... Date with multiple ponies for fun but..... do you think we could..... be something more?" I asked her in hope.

"Wow.... You certainly didn't waste time on asking that. Usually a pony asks that at the end of the date.... But I suppose it makes sense to get it over with." She said as she gets up. "Now, before I answer your question, I think I should tell you something about me that you should know." She told me. "Oh no, please don't tell me that your married?" I asked in worry. "No." "Then.... this isn't your real personality?" "No, this is my real personality.... Well my speaking method isn't me, but it will be explained better when thy will show." She said as she then starts to glow a bright blue light which blinds me a bit until it goes away and it is revealed to be. "Princess Luna!?"

Rarity pov:

"This..... isn't what I was expecting when I met the prince." I thought to myself as for all night the prince had been the opposite of what I imagine him to be. First, he is not a gentlestallion! He cares only for himself! And he just feels like one of those noble snobs that I have met last time. But at least there were nice nobles last to balance that out but right now....

"Ughhh... this was a waste of time." I said as I walked away and went to the flower garden. As I was walking I could've swore that I saw movement coming from the bushes, but it was probably just a animal moving along. I walked over to some lilies and I sighed. I then felt a tapped from my right which I turned to see a white mare with blond mane and tail. She had light green eyes. She was also wearing a large white hat and a beautiful white dress.

"I see that you have been admiring these... Lilies." She said with a pause for a bit. "Ummm... sort of..." I told her as I then adds. "I'm.... Just a bit disappointed is all." "What's wrong?" She asked me as I sighed. "Well.... I met somepony and he's not what I was expecting." "What were you expecting?" "A prince who are gentle, kind, and could treat me like a princess.... You know.... Ones from the novels." I told her.

"I'm sorry to hear that." She said. "It's fine.... I guess some things aren't like a fairy tale." I said as I heard the mare mumbled something. I then looked up to get a better look at her dress. "Might I say darling.... But where did you get that dress? It's very beautiful." I said in curiosity. "Oh, I made it myself." She told me. "So your a dress maker as well?" "I guess so... yes." "We must make dresses together sometime." I said.

No pov:

"I'm free for the week so I'm all for it." The mare said. "Great! Oh! Do you think you could come tomorrow afternoon? I would like a opinion on a wedding dress that I made for the bride." Rarity asked the mare. "I would love to." "Thank you..... er, I forgot to ask for your name?" Rarity asked the mare. "The names Lillie." The mare introduced as Rarity shook her hoof. "Nice to meet you, my name is Rarity." She said with a smile and her close which she didn't noticed that Lillie glitched a bit showing Nihilego for a split second until it went back to being Lillie.

So a new mlp tyt episode came out which centered around Izzy and her love of the holiday called Heart and hooves day. Honestly I can see Izzy celebrating Heart and hooves day. She is the Second biggest extrovert (The first is Pinkie) pony that I have seen. I can also see her giving random bear hugs to anyone she sees and that she would be the third wheel to one of her friends.

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