Ultra wedding part five

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Your pov:

It had been a few days since I was knocked out!? And I still have no idea who did and I'm gonna figure out who! Even if I have to patrol this wedding! It was the day of the wedding and the days leading to this day was boring. Nothing much happened for the past few days. The most that happened was Rarity was hanging out with a new friend which I haven't met yet, Shining Armors Bachelor party was fun, I found out that Twilight and Pinkie had decided that the three of us should go on a date which was a surprise when I came into our room and they threw a dress/suit on me.

The date went well and the two immediately planned another date which they forgot to include me into the discussion and now the three of us are gonna go on another date sometime after the wedding. So yeah, not much to go over for the past few days. So like I said from before, I am patrolling the place for whoever is sneaking in the castle but so far have found squat. "(Y/n)!" I heard Rarity call out as she came running towards me.

"Yeah?" "I need your help! There's a problem in the groom's room." She told me. "Is Shining Armor having cold hooves or something?" "Sort of...?" She trailed off.

Time skip

I was in the room looking at a very nervous and crazy eyed Twilight. "Everything is gonna go greaaaat.... And OH CELESTIA!! What if this all go wrong!!!???!!!!" She yells as she starts breathing erratically into a paper bag. "She's been like this for an hour." Shining told me as I was still looking at Twilight with a surprised look.

" Shining told me as I was still looking at Twilight with a surprised look

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"You know, this is not what I thought." I said. "Thought!! What if someone has a different thought during the wedding?!" Twilight yelled as Rarity was trying to calm Twilight. "There, there, the entire wedding is gonna go great." She told her. "Yeah, I'm supposed to be the one who is nervous about today." Shining added. "But I'm the best mare and the wedding planer! Everything has to be perfect!" She yelled in worry.

"Don't worry, Twi. I'm sure everything is gonna be-" "Don't jinx it!?!!" Twilight interrupts me. "Sorry! Sorry.... Ummm.... There, there.." I said as I pat Twilights back as she then sighs. "I'm sorry about this... I'm just really want this to go right and a small part of me thinks something is gonna happen." She said. "Twiley, everything is gonna be fine. And if anything happens, I'm sure me, Celestia, Luna, and my guards will take care of it." Shining told her. "I sure do hope so." Twi said.

Rainbow pov:

I was in bride's room where Lillie was helping Cadence with her wedding dress. I was in the room because I wanted to distract myself from thinking about princess..... yeah I'm not gonna finish that thought. The point is, I just need a distraction and pumping up Cadence is a great way. "Is everything ok?" Cadence asked me as I realized I was pacing. "Oh! Sorry, I just been.... Thinking." I told her.

"Well, I can tell that you seem to be feeling a bit lonely and you have the look that reads you are thinking about somepony." She told me as I stared at her. "I'm the princess of love. It's my job to notice these things." She tells me. "Oh, well I've been seeing this mare and she wants to date tons to different ponies and I'm..... not really into dating tons of ponies." I told her.

"Let me guess, you gave her an option and now you are waiting to see if she decided to date you." She says. "Is that..... bad?" "No. If your not interested into dating tons of ponies it's fine and if she's not interested in dating just one pony then it's fine and if you want, I could always help you find a..... are you into mares, stallions or both?" "Both." "And I will help you." "Thanks.... It felt good to talk to somepony about this." I said with a smile as I saw Lillie leave the room

No pov:

Outside the room Lillie was walking through the halls until she goes through the a dark part of the castle and she then opens a tiny ultra wormhole. "Ughhhh....still not big enough. Screw it! Is anyone listening!?" She called out through the wormhole until a noise was made coming from the hole "oh good, it works. Listen, I found the lights and I can't grab it without getting overpowered." She said as another noise was made. "Also there is a shield that's blocking transmission for the wormhole so your gonna have to appear outside of the shield." She explained as another noice was made.

"The shield? Don't worry I know how to turn it off. Once you appear I will turn it off and then the lights will be easy pickings." She said as the noise was made as the wormhole closes where a random guard was standing behind where the hole was at. They both stared at each other until Lillie knocks the guard out and erase his memory. "That was close." She said as she walks outside to where the wedding was being held and ponies were getting last minute touches done.

I managed to watch The Ghost and Molly McGee and I thought it was pretty good. It was funny, has some good and catchy songs, the art style was nice.

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