Family trip

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Your pov:

"Alright! Satchel! ....Check! Foods and snacks? .....Check!" "I can't believe your actually using a checklist." I heard Twilight say as I saw her with a happy teary eyed face. "Ehhhhh.... Not really, it's all in my head." I told her. "But you still are using a checklist." She said happily. "So where exactly are we going again?" I asked her. "We're going to Horseshoe Bay. It's supposed to be one of the most beautiful beaches in all of Equstria." She told me. "I still can't believe Celestia has a beach house."

"Yeah, she uses it for special occasions." She said. "Like family vacations?" "Exactly! Now, we better get ready. We don't want to keep Pinkie and Spike waiting." Twi said. "Or you just don't want to be late for the train." "Being punctual is a must and I am not gonna be late and not have a great seat for us." She said as I chuckled and followed her out.

Time skip
"Yes! We got the best seats on the train." Twilight said happily as me, Her, Pinkie (who was carrying the foals on a foal carrier.), Spike, and Rainbow entered a train car room. "This isn't a seat, this is a room." I said as we began putting out stuff up on the bag area. "Also this is a room for ponies with foals." Rainbow said.

"I like it." Spike said as he jumped on a small bed. "I still can't believe there's even a car for families with foals." I said still surprised that this car even exists. "Actually this is a family room and it cost a lot to get this room so please don't trash it." Twilight said as she sat down. "Fine...." We all groaned as Twilight said that. I then went to sit down but stopped when I feel thirsty and I went back to my bag to get a drink of water. I looked in and I saw that I didn't pack and drinks for the train. "Uhhhh... I'll be back. I have to get some drinks." I said as I walked out of the room and went to find a diner car or something.

It took me a while but I managed to find a train car that has what I can guess is a bar car. "Alright...." I said as I walked up to a pony at a counter. "Is this the car that I can order drinks?" I asked him. "Depends on what kind of drinks you are talking about." He said. "Uhhhh.... Do you have water?" ".......No." he said as he walked off. "Great... Where am I supposed to get water?" I asked myself as I looked around only to see Sunset Shimmer sitting at a table?

"What the? What's she doing here?" I asked myself as I walked over to her. "Hey Sunset." "Ahhh!!" She yells as she jumped. "(Y/n)!? What are you doing here!?" She yells. "Uhhhh.... I'm on a family vacation to Horseshoe Bay? What are you doing here?" I asked her. "Uhhh.... We'll I'm..... certainly not..... going because I have a awkward relationship with my mom." She awkwardly said. "What's wrong with your mom?" I asked her. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... Ihavetogo!" She quickly said as she dashed out of here like the wind.

"That was weird?" I said in confusion as I walked back to my car. "So did you get any drinks?" Twilight asked me. "Nooo, but I did saw Sunset?" I told her. "We did leave during the evening." Rainbow said. "No, Sunset Shimmer." I said. "Ooohhhh." "What's she doing here?" Spike asks. "I don't know, the most that I can tell is that she's gonna see her mom and is not looking forward to it?" I said as I shrugged and I heard a small gasp from Pinkie. "Uh wow.... Hehe.... She must have some crazy emotions right now. But it's not our business and we are on vacation so I think it's best to forget and enjoy the evening. Hey! I think Starswirl wants you." Pinkie says as she then hands me Starswirl and then quickly goes to a bunk bed and extremely quickly goes to sleep.

"..........So we're all agreed that, that was suspicious. Right?" Rainbow asks. "Yep." "Uh huh." "Absolutely." We all said. "So are we gonna do anything about that?" She asks. "Even if we wanted to, it's not our problem or is it our right to snoop on someponies problem if they don't want us to. Especially if it's family. If she wants to talk to us about then I'll be open to help, but for now we should enjoy our vacation and relax.... Also I think whatever Pinkie knows, she's not gonna tell us because she most likely Pinkie Promised to not tell and there is no way she's gonna tell us." Twilight explained.

"Fine...." I said. "But you didn't tell me to not figure out who her mom is. Perhaps if I knew about Sunsets background then I could have a better understanding. But not now, I'm on a train and there's no way I could get any info right now." I thought to myself as sat down. "Hey (y/n), why are you smiling like your about to do something?" Spike asked me. "Uhhhhhh..... I was.... Thinking about a funny thing from my world." I fibbed. "What is it?" Rainbow asks. "I forgot." I quickly said hoping to get this topic away so I could plan my move at Maretime bay.

Time skip

It took a day in a half but we made it to Baltimare and we were getting off of the train. "Alright, Celestia got me the map to meet her, Luna, Shiny, Cadence, and mom and dad at the beach house, so make sure we stick together so we don't get lost." Twilight said. "Does my mom and dad have a map?" "Or my sisters?" Rainbow and Pinkie asks. "Don't worry, Celestia made sure they got maps and hopefully they get her safely." Twilight said as we then heard a ahem from behind we we turn to see Sunset.

"Oh, hey Sunset!" "What's up." "(Y/n) said you were on board. How are you?" Me, Rainbow, and Twilight said. "Hey guys, I'm good. Just seeing family." She said. "Oh yes... well I hope things are.... Alright?" Twilight said as Sunset sighs. "I'm guessing (y/n) told you about my odd behavior." She said. "Whaaaast nooooo...." Twilight said. "Uh huh. Anyway, I suppose your bound to know soon I might as well get it over with." She said. "You don't have to tell of you don't want to." Rainbow said. "Yeah, we even agreed to not bother you about it." Spike said.

"Yeah, and (y/n) didn't plan on trying to figure it out without y'all knowing." She said as I was now sweating. "Whhhaaaaaaaat noooooo.... Hehe.... I was not planning on doing that." I awkwardly said as everyone stares at me in disbelief. "Anyway, yall should know that me and my mom have a bit of a distance between each other, that much your gonna about that. But you should probably know that my mom is kinda....." She said. "Is she a famous author!" Twilight said with stars in her eyes of the thought of meeting an author.

"A Wonderbolt!" "A movie star!" "Wellll..... more famous then those really." Pinkie said. "Of course you know who." I said. "So who!" The three asks as Susnet was fixing to say something but was interrupted as she was tackled by Celestia!? "Oh my baby girl is finally back to me!!" She yells with tears in her eyes. ".........HUH!!!!!" We yell in shock.

I binge watched all of Adventure Time and it was awesome! There was so many great moments and it was crazy to see how it all ends at season 10. It had soo many beautiful musics and the story telling was crazy and kept me wanting to know more. I also saw Distant lands and the four were awesome, the second episode was my favorite and the third one was crazy and it really fits for Finn and Jake's last crazy adventure together. Then I saw all the episodes that were out of Fionna and Cake and it really showed how dark this world could get as TV 14 and it was a roller coaster of emotions and how each universe is like based on something and each gets darker and darker as it goes through. I can't wait to see more episodes of this spin off to see how this one ends.

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