It's about Time

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Twilight pov:

It was the middle of the night and I just couldn't sleep. Especially with what is going on. The problem was that I managed to plan my schedule for this month but I lost time for next month! This is just horrible! I've made no time in my schedule to plan my schedule for next month! "Ooooo!! Maybe if.... No.... Maybe- Errr nooo or! No that wouldn't work." I said to myself as I was looking through my schedule as I heard a yawn from the stairs. I turn to see (y/n) standing by the stairs half awake.

"Why are you up so late?" He/she asked me. "I have terrible news. It's just downright tragic!" I said in panic. "What's the news?" He/she asked me. "I forgot to plan my schedule for next month!?" "........What?" "Don't you see? There's no time in my schedule to put together another schedule! I could move my meeting with the Ponyville Hay Board to the following Tuesday, but then I have to reschedule my lunch with Pinkie Pie, and you know what a nightmare she is with scheduling. This is an absolute disaster. My whole year could be thrown off!"

I told him/her. "Just plan it today.... In the morning." He/she said. "But I don't have time!" I yelled as I went back to looking through my schedule to find a way to plan for next month. ".....Just promise me that you'll go to bed in a few minutes." I heard (y/n) say as he/she went back upstairs but I have no time to sleep until I solve this situation.

Your pov:

It was morning and I woke to see that Twilight had not gone to bed which I sighed. I gently moved Pinkie off of me and I went downstairs expecting to find a passed out Twilight. But when I went downstairs I saw that she wasn't around. "Hmmm?" I hummed imagine confusion as I went to the kitchen and other places in the library but she was not here. "She must've went outside?" I said as I walked outside to see all of Ponyville fortifying the entire town.

"What's going on?" I asked as a pony who was building a fence said. "Twilight said that her future self came from the future to warn of us of some sort of danger and we are all preparing for whatever comes!" This put me in a state of confusion. "What? How!? She's only been awake for one night?" I said in confusion as I went around trying to find Twilight. After a while I managed to find her doing a permitter check. "Twi!" I called out which catches her attention which she comes to my direction. "Oh good! Your finally here! You can help me with how to combat any dangerous Pokémon." She told me.

"Uh Huh.... Why are having all the ponies prepare for something that your "future self" told you?" I asked her. "Because she had scars, torn black suit, and had an eyepatch and she was trying to tell me something but she never gotten to and now I must prepare for the upcoming danger!" She told me. "Like what?" I asked as I then heard a howl. ".....That." She said as we ran to see a Zacian.

"It's Zacian! She's supposed to be guarding the gates of Tartarus along side Zamazenta

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"It's Zacian! She's supposed to be guarding the gates of Tartarus along side Zamazenta. But if she's here then she whose helping Zamazenta with guarding the dangerous creatures in Tartarus!? Of one of those creatures comes out they could destroy Equstria!?" She yelled in panic. "Okay, so maybe we should prepare.... Also kinda cool to see a Zacian." I said as Fluttershy had managed to calm the raging Zacian and Twilight began to throw the ball for her which she then leads the Zacian back to guarding Tartarus.

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