Destiny of the Sword part 5

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Your pov:

"Ughhhh.... Where am I?" I asked myself as groaned and looked around to see that I was in a pitch black room. "Like I said.... Where the hay am I?" I asked as a bright light came from sky and gently float down to reveal.... Arceus!?

"Arceus!?!" I yelled in surprise

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"Arceus!?!" I yelled in surprise. "No, I'm just a figment of your brain cells dying due to traumatic blood loss." He said, revealing that he wasn't even the real thing. Then I heard a loud snapping noise. "And now you have forgotten the word, Zebra." My figment told me. "Zebra? Hmm, doesn't seem like a word that I would need to know?"

Twilight pov:

"And that's all I know. It was hard to hear when we were hiding and trying to keep up with them." Spike explained to Luna and the others. "I see...." Luna said. "Is (y/n) and Collector gonna be ok?" Pinkie asked the doctor as we were at a hospital. "Well, the kid only sustained some minor scrapes and bruises, nothing to major to worry about. For him/her, he/she had a horned ripped out and lost a lot of blood. But luckily you brought him/her here on time and now he's/she's stabilizing." The doctor told her which she sighed in relief.

"So what exactly is going on and why did Celestia ran off when Spike explained the same thing to her?" I asked Luna. "Yeah, is there something we should be worried about?" Applejack added. "Unfortunately, I don't know what thy (y/n)'s horn is needed to unlock. But thou has seen this curse before." Luna began.

"This happened before?" Rainbow said in surprise. "It's a very old locking spell. It was used before me and Celestia came here. This spell is to keep certain things locked up and the key only appears in a ponies hoof, wing, or horn.... Or something else.... Sometimes in the future and other times it's past down through generations." Luna explained. "That's.... Sounds a bit unnecessary." Rarity said. "That is why the spell is no longer used. That and me and Celestia kept that spell locked up and kept it out of ponies grasp." Luna said.

"So where exactly would I need to go, to destroy the person who did this?" I asked ready to show this jerk a lesson in why one should never hurt me and Pinkie's Keldeo. "I wonder if I can get Celestia to look other way, once I end this jerk?" I thought to myself. "Most of the dangerous stuff that requires this spell is locked up in Tartarus." Luna explained. "Great!" I said as I was now sporting and evil smile ready to destroy the punk. ".....Ok Twilight, you're too far deep into this. Thou can see why Celestia went out already." Luna said.

"Yeah.... Why don't you stay by (y/n)'s side... after all, he/she would love to see a familiar.... And less insane face." Rainbow said as I sighed. "Fine..... Hopefully this guy escapes so I can make him feel my wrath." I said as I sat back down on the other side of (y/n)'s hospital bed and crossed my hooves in frustration that I would have to wait to exact my revenge.

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