Fiery Wrath

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Your pov:

It had been a few weeks since vacation and I was currently with Twilight and Spike watching the foals. "They're so cute when they are sleeping." Twi said with a happy tired look. "Yeah.... Especially when they're are all bundled up together with Spike." I said as the four were sound asleep on Spike's basket. "He's a great dragon bro.... Uncle.... What is he?" "I consider him as my son, sooo big brother." Twilight answered.

We then heard the door open and Luna comes in and sits down. "Hey Mom." "Hey Luna." We both said. "Greetings. Thou was wondering if thy could take (y/n) for a few days?" She asked Twilight. "Why?" We both asked her. "Well.... This never leaves this room. Thou is planning to propose to thy Rainbow." "Really!" "Does this mean Rainbow is now my future step mom?" Twilight whispered excitedly and I asked.

"Correct. But thou need the perfect ring to propose and thy need (y/n) to help." She said. "How would I know what ring is perfect?" I asked her. "Thats not what thou is asking. Thy already have the perfect ring in mind. Thou just need your help to get the materials to build it." She told me. "Materials?" Twilight asked. "Thou see, i build my rings for each of my marriages." "Marriages? Are there any relatives that I should know about?" I asked.

"Just your aunt Rarity." "Rarity is my aunt!?" I yelled in shock. "Ahhh yesss, Opal Belle was one glamorous mare. She was my last wife before thy turned into Nightmare moon. Thy just glad that her last name is still around and thy did a blood work just to be sure." She said as me and Twilight were processing what Princess mom had just said. "anyway, thy need young (y/n)'s help to get the ring band and the diamond. These materials are the most precious things on Eques and thy can't do it alone.... Mainly because this is a family project." She told me.

"Well.... Make sure you bring (y/n) back safe and sound because I am not wanting to tell these foals why they don't have their mom/dad here with me and Pinkie." Twilight told her. "Done. Come thy (y/n) let's get this ring band." Luna said as I got up and began to follow Luna to an adventure to get a ring for her to propose to my friend..... my life is weird.

Time skip

It had been a few hours of walking through the Everfree forest and I still have no idea of where we are going. "So where are we going?" I asked since it was obvious that I wasn't gonna get any answers when it's just silence. "We are going to Malevolent cave." She told me. "I'm sorry but ummm.... Malevolent?" I asked about the name. "Yes. The cave was named because of the creature that resides in the cave." "And we're going there because....?" I asked.

"In this cave is an ore soo shiny that it looks like it was made from the night sky." She explained. "Really.... So what do you need me for this exactly?" I asked. "Tis simple. Thy need thou to distract the creature for thy to get the ore and mold it into a ring." She explained to me. "Alright..... seems easy enough.... I'm sure I can last long enough to distract it." I said as we reached to a cave. "Here it is." She said. "Ok.... Let's do this." I said as we walked into the cave.

"Oh wow. This place is dark." I said and I add. "I mean we literally just walked in and I already can't see the exit." "Allow thou." She said as her begins to glow and now we can see. "Wow! This place is filled with coal." I said. "This place was a coal mine before it was closed down." She told me as we were walking through the cave. "Why did it close?" I asked but before she could answer a small Rolycoly zooms by.

 "Why did it close?" I asked but before she could answer a small Rolycoly zooms by

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"Nevermind. I think I got the idea." I said as tons of Rolycoly's were just going by like we weren't even here. "I think I might have an idea of what kind of creature we could be encountering." I said as we entered a huge clearing where it is filled ore that is black as the night sky and it was sparkling like stars were on it. "This place is just downright gorgeous!" I yelled on amazement.

"Indeed. Now, thou shall get to work." She said as we then heard a loud screech. "I guess that must be the creature." I said as I got into a battle stance as Luna quickly runs to a spot as I saw a shadow zoom out of a cave entrance on the top of the clearing and it lands to reveal a galarian Moltres.

" I said as I got into a battle stance as Luna quickly runs to a spot as I saw a shadow zoom out of a cave entrance on the top of the clearing and it lands to reveal a galarian Moltres

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"Offffff course it's one of the birds.... I really should've saw it coming." I said as I sighed as it begins to fly at me. "Alright let's go tweety!" I taunted as I charged at it. It then glows a sickly black and red as I was hit by an aura wave from the ground..... yeah I don't how explain it either. Anyway I was knocked to the wall and I saw it coming at me with an aerial ace which hits me. "Gahhh!!!" I yelled in pain as I fired a barrage of bubble beam.

It hit it in the head but it wasn't effective. It screech's and then use its talons to trap me on the wall. "Ughh!! How am I loosing this fast?! Wait? Ahhhh man! It's draining my spirit!?" I said in realization of what the Pokédex had said about this Pokémon. "Dang it!?" I growled in frustration as I fired a icy wind which works.... But it begins to squeeze its talons on me. "Gahhh!!!! This is the worst! I'm slowly dying by its dark aura and I'm being squeezed! I have to get out of this!" I grunted as I was trying to think of an idea until. "Calm mind." I said as I quickly calmed my mind. "Scald!" I yelled as I fired a hot stream of water at its face which loosen its grip and I then use poison jab knocking it back and I then use aura sphere. "Try this aura!" I yelled as I blast it at the head. I then used this opportunity to charge at it and I then use take down.

I hit and it hits the ground. It screeches as it gets up and then flies back to its cave as a feather lands in front of me. "Wheeewww... that was.... Owwwww...." I said as I felt the pain from the squeeze from those talons. "That Moltres has one sharp talons." I said as I saw Luna flying back to me. "Are thou ok?" She asked as she was checking for any injuries. "I'm fine.... Just a bit light headed but other than that I'm good.... I did get an another cool feather.... So you got the band?" I asked her.

"Yes! The band is made and it is exactly to Rainbow's hoof size." She told me. "So what's next?" I asked. "Simple. We need the diamond to go with the ring." "Eel that shouldn't be-" I began but... "Which the most rare and beautiful diamond to exist is found on top of mt Everhoof!" She declared. "Ooooofff course it's on the top of a mountain that is equivalent to Mount Everest..... let's do this!" I said as we began our way out of the cave and to the mountain to get this diamond. "Now I'm wondering of what one of Pokémon is up there." I thought in worry as I can only imagine the ridiculous legendary or mythical Pokemon is even up there.

" I thought in worry as I can only imagine the ridiculous legendary or mythical Pokemon is even up there

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Can you imagine if we had Dragonite's delivering mail. It would be cool to be given a package from a dragon.

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