The Crystal Empire part eight

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Previously on the Sword of Harmony:

Your pov:

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Twilight yelled as a blast of fire nearly hits her as we the four of us were now hiding behind a wall. "Coaaaaallllll!!!" The coalossal roared. "Why would that big coal monster be in the crystal empire!?" Twilight yells in frustration. "Maybe it's because it's preevolved form was popular in the past?" "Why?" "In Pokémon lore a Rolycoly in the past was in households keeping people warm and to help with cooking. I imagine that some evolved and that's why we have the coalossal." I said.

(Fun fact: a Coalossal is 9'02" feet tall.)

"Well that's nice but how are we?" Twilight stopped her thought when all of the sudden the entire Empire was surrounding by a fire tornado!? "Ummmm.... What's going on?" Fluttershy asked us. "No clue, but I'm sure it's not good." I said. "We can't focus on that right now! We need to get to hospital!" Twilight says as another blast of fire nearly hit us again.

"But first we're probably gonna need to get past that thing." Twilight adds as i sighed and smiled. "Looks like it's my time to shine." I said as I gently placed Fluttershy down and cracked my neck and hooves. "Let's do this!" I said as I jumped out of hiding and began charging at the fire and rock Pokémon while laughing like crazy.

Spike pov:

"Gahhh!!!" I yelled as me and Sunset were thrown by a blast of lightning as the two dragons were attacking us. "Move!" Shining yelled as the four of us were running away from the ongoing attacks. "Where in tarnation did these two come from! I don't remember (y/n) or Twilight ever mentioning any dragons in the crystal empire!" Aj yelled as a loud sound was made as the black dragon comes out of nowhere and lands right in front of us.

"Oh come on!!?!!" Sunset yells as the dragon was fixing to hit us with electricity from its fist. Shining activated a shield real quick which blocked the attack but it launched us backwards and split us. I landed on the ground hard on my back. "Ughhh...." I groaned as I slowly got up as I then saw the white dragon flying toward us.

"Everypony! We need to regroup and get out of here! We're clearly no match for these two!" Shining yelled as i was about to run to him but a blast of electricity knocks me back further. "Ahhhhhh!!! Owww!!" I yelled as I was tumbling through the grass. "Spike!" I heard shining yelled. "Don't worry partner! I'm coming!" I heard Aj yell as Sunset and shining was trying to distract the two dragons. I then heard a roar as I looked only to see a huge fire sphere with two rings coming right at me fast. "Oh-" I didn't finish my thought as the sphere hits the ground in front of me and explodes!

No pov:

The explosion was huge as Spike was launched to the air and was screaming in fear until he disappears over the mountains. "SPIIIIIKE!!!!" Shining, Sunset, and Aj yelled in horror. The two dragon Pokémon roar as they fire a blast of fire and electricity at the three ponies. Shining quickly puts up a huge shield which the blasts hit the shield and explosion was made and a large smokescreen was made. As the smoke clears the three ponies were no longer around. The two dragons were looking around in confusion unaware that the three ponies were running to the mountains.

"I can't believe we lost Spike!" Sunset yells. "Don't worry, I'm sure he's fine..... I hope." Shining said in worry. "For now, let's try to get away from here as far as possible." He adds as the two mares nod and they continue running.

Rainbow pov:

"Take that!!" I yelled as I kicked a floating gear creature. "Klink!?" It yelled as it fell to the ground. "Look out!" I heard Cadence yell out as she blast a school of flying electric lampreys. "Thanks!" I said as I punched a bigger gear creature. "Klang!?" "Ughhhhh!! This is frustrating! I have been shocked a dozen times and it's starting to get annoying!" I growled.

"Tell me about. I've been shocked more times then I thought. Also those lamprey creatures can bite very hard." She said as she rubs her back where a bunch of circular bite marks were at. I then kicked a metal..... I honestly have no idea what it is supposed to be. "Bel!" "How many ponies are left?" I asked her. "Just Twilight and the others." She answered as I then looked to see them running. Although Fluttershy was on (y/n)'s back. "I see them!" I yelled as a pink shield was around me as a huge electric attack hit the shield. "Ele eleki!"

(That's the best I could think of what regieleki would sound like.)

"Woah!" I yelled as cadence then blast the electric golem away. "Thanks." I said as we then flew towards the group. "Guys! I'm glad tha- OH MY GOSH!!" I yelled when I saw Fluttershy's wing. "WHAT HAPPENED!?!" I yelled in horror as I flew next to Fluttershy. "A Skarmory used its metal wing." (Y/n) said.

".....Which one?" I said with a dark look on my face. "Also what's a Skarmory?" I asked because I don't know what that is. "Don't worry Dash. Im okay, please don't go get yourself hurt because of me." Fluttershy said. "Grrrrrr.... Finnnnneeee..." I said as I then noticed that (y/n) was covered in soot. "What happened to you?" "I beat up a coallossal...... a huge coal monster." He/she verified to me. "Is there any pony left?" Twilight ask. "Just us, now let's get to the hospital and get Fluttershy some help!" I said as we then ran to the hospital.

After a few minutes we reached the hospital. "There it is!" I yelled as suddenly something burst out of the ground. "Ün ün ün ün!" It said as we saw that it was a rock golem. "Regirock!" (Y/n) yelled as it crashes to the ground. It then fires a beam as Twilight, Cadence, and (y/n) fired a magical/water beam at the attack which it blows up the threes attack hit the Regirock oncoming it the wall. "Quickly!" Twilight yells as we ran to the front door. "We made it!" Pinkie yells as suddenly (y/n) pushes her and was then hit by a sharp pink crystal.

"(Y/n)!!?" We all yelled as we saw the pink rock girl that I kicked coming at us with back up. "Close the door!" Cadence yells as we ran in and immediately close the door. "(Y/n)! Are you ok!?" Twilight yells in worry as (y/n) groans. "Twilight, tell Roger..... he's annoying." He/she said as he/she then passes out. "......Whose Roger?" Pinkie asks in confusion as the door closes and we are now bunkered down in the hospital.

No pov:

In the middle of the snowy mountains Spike was knocked out on the ground as something slowly approaches him. "Hmmmmm?" The creature said as it saw Spike.

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