Attack of the Clones

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No pov:

It was night time and down of the basement of the Golden Oaks library. Twilight was in a scientist jacket and wearing glasses. She was surrounded with dozen of charts and spell books. She was currently working on a chalkboard and was saying. "Yes... yes.... Yes!! It's perfect!" She yells. "Twilight!! It's late! When are you coming to bed!!" Pinkie yells from upstairs. "In a minute! I have one last thing to do!" Twilight answered.

"Soon.... I shall reveal my greatest spell ever!!" She said as she begins writing a letter.

Your pov:

It was a normal morning and almost everyone was at Sweet Apple Acres where we were having a nice picnic and just hanging out. The Collector, Spike, and the CMC were entertaining the foals while me and Pinkie were relaxing. Rainbow and Aj were playing some sort of basketball like game? I honestly have no idea I was too busy relaxing to care. Rarity, Sunset, and Fluttershy were chatting as Trixie was on a makeshift hammock.

Our pets and Pokémon were playing or relaxing. "Where's Twilight?" Pinkie asks without moving her head off of my back. "She said that she was expecting a package and that she'll be here in a few." I reminded her. "Ughhh.... She's been gone for an hour.... I want her here now...." Pinkie whined. "I'm sure that...." I trailed off as I saw Twilight coming to where we are, with a cart which is covered in a sheet.

"Uhhhhhh.... What's up with the sheet?" I asked Twi as she stops in front of us which everyone noticed and stopped what they were doing. "Greetings everypony! I am glad that you are all here to witness my greatest spell yet." She began as removed the sheet which revealed to be a small fossil for some reason.

"........Where did you get the fossil?" Fluttershy asked her. "I asked Celestia if I could borrow one for a spell and she said sure as long as I don't destroy it." She told her. "So what exactly are you planning to do with it?" Rainbow asks. "Wait? "The greatest spell yet?" .....Oh my Gosh.... Your gonna revive the fossil!! Everyone! Twilight is fixing to beat death! She's found a way to revive the dead making death meaningless!" I jokingly yelled. "I'M NOT REVIVING THE FOSSIL!!" She yells in frustration.

"I am planning to use this fossil to replicate the DNA to create a clone." She adds in a calm voice. "Oh my gosh.... She's cheating Death!" I jokingly yelled again. "IM NOT REVIVING IT!!" She yells in anger as some of us chuckled. "The clone is gonna be a completely different creature then the original." She told us. ".....Oh my gosh! She's fixing to do a Jurassic park! It's her first step to creating a mini version of herself!" I joked again. "But.... She already had a mini version of herself? Three actually?" Pinkie said in confusion as she points to our foals.

"What's Jurassic park?" Sunset asks in confusion. "What are most of the things you say?" Trixie adds. "My jokes are wasted in this world." I grumbled to myself. "Anyway, with this spell I hope to bring back extinct species back to the world! No longer shall these creatures be forgotten! They shall roam again!" Twilight said. "Wait? You aren't gonna revive a dangerous animal first, are you?" Fluttershy asks in concern.

"Relax, I'm not that crazy. Celestia only gave me a small fossil and then hopefully I can do more once I find a remote island and clone more and watch them thrive in their new home." Twilight explained. "So which one are you "cloning" first?" Sunset asks as she did the air quotes on cloning. "Hmmm..... The Archen. Now stand back as I perform the spell. So no distractions." Twilight said as began charging a spell which we watched her.

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