Chapter 5

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Hi guys! Just a quick reminder: This fanfic is my first, so if you see any cringe, that's why. I'm trying my best to not make parts of it cringe, but it might still happen. Thanks for reading this!

TW: Bl00d??

Player's POV:

"This is it. The school." I say, looking at the closed doors in front of me. "Let's go."

"Hey, do you get the feeling something is watching us...?" Kreek says, looking left and right.

"I feel it too, but let's ignore that for now. We need to save someone." Lego tells Kreek as he looks for the breaker. "Here we go." Lego switches the lever, and all the lights turn on in the school.

"This will make the rescue way easier." Lego says, exiting the basement. "Find the door they are trapped in, and find the keys after. If that doesn't work, call me and I'll knock the door down."

"Okay. Come on, Kreek!" I say, running into the rooms. As soon as I walk into the classroom, my wound started throbbing with pain. I screamed in pain. I looked at my bandaged arm. It started bleeding again.

"Sigh. I need to cool down... it's just a scratch Player, you'll be okay." I said to myself as I got off the floor. As soon as I put my head up, a gazelle was right in front of me. It had purple mascara, bright yellow pupils, long horns, and a purple dress. Then, I noticed what it was holding. It was holding a ruler.

"A ruler? What would the infected to with that?" I thought. It then strikes at me. I dodged and started running upstairs. It followed me where I ran, even in the same pattern, like it was copying me.

"Someone! Please get me out of here!"

The infected stopped chasing after me, and I was in front of a door. To open it, it seemed you needed to put a boon there. Thats a weird lock.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I heard the voice say.

"Hey! I'll get you out!" I respond. "At this point, I'm fed up with finding things." I tell them. "LEGO! KICK THIS DOOR DOWN!" I yell.

"OK, JUST GIVE ME A SECOND!" He yells back. I then hear footsteps going up the stairs. "Okay, I'm here. Which door again?" He asks.

"This one." I tell him. He kicks the door down, and inside was a bunny. They had an eyepatch on their left eye (I think left), and a crossbow with a carrot loaded into it. They were also wearing a blue dress.

"Thank you for helping me! I'll knock out the infected for you. You stay here." They say. "Names Bunny by the way. Yours?"

"Player. He's Lego. The person downstairs doing the work is Kreek." I tell Bunny.


"No problem."

Bunny then leaves the room and goes downstairs to find the infected.

"Hey, what do you think Kreek is doing down there? I haven't heard any lock clicks yet." Lego asks, looking down the vent in the room.

Kreek's POV:

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HELPP!" Kreek screams, running away from the infected. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!"

3rd Person POV:

"Oh." Player says.

"Well, Bunny is gonna save him. Wanna start finding keys again?" Lego asks Player.

"Of course, it's not like we don't have to." Player responds with.

"True. Anyways, let's get going." Lego tells them.

(Time skip to end cutscene)

"Hello. My name is Mr.P. We talked on the radio. Anyways, we are trying to make a cure, so we-" Mr.P got cut off by a loud thump.

"Player!" Lego yelled. "Player get up!"

Player didn't get up.

Hey guys! That's a wrap! :)
Hope you guys have a great day/evening/noon/night!

Sorry that it was so short! TwT

(Did you find the little Easter egg I put in? Hint:Look at Player's dialogue. :D)

Word count: 647

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