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Thank you for reading this fanfic, it really means a lot to me. :) In return, here's another fanfic!

TW: Zizzy x Pony

Georgie's POV:

"Hey Georgie!" Zuzy says excitedly. "Wanna help me with something?"

"Uh, sure?" I say. "What is it?"

"Okay, so you know how Pony and Zizzy have been hanging out with each other a lot more ever since they came back from the outpost?" Zuzy asks me.

"Yeah?" I respond. "What about it?"

"I think they like each other!!!" Zuzy whispers.

"OH. MY. GOSH." I say out loud. "THEY LI-"

"Shut up! They might hear you!" Zuzy tells me.

"Sorry." I say back.

"Anyways, wanna help me set them up together?" Zuzy asks.

"Of course!!" I say while jumping up and down.

"Okay, follow me!" Zuzy says while walking.

They get to Pony's Room.

"So, why are we here?" I ask Zuzy silently.

"Just look inside." Zuzy whispers. I look, and Zizzy and Pony are talking to each other.

"Awwww, they're talking to each other!" I say. "It's so cute!!"

"I am now an official Pozy shipper." We hear someone say. We both look behind us, and Kreek, Player, and Lego are watching them.

"Awww, it's so wholesome!" Kreek says while putting his hands together.

"I know right?" Player tells Kreek silently.

Pony sits closer to Zizzy.

"Oh my gosh, it's happening." Lego says excitedly.

"Wait, I hear something..." Pony says while walking to the door.

"Everyone, run!" Zuzy whispers to everyone, and they hide.

"Oh, it's nothing. I swear I heard something..." Pony says before closing the door shut. Everyone gets out of hiding.

"Awwwww, it was getting to the good part!" Player says sadly.

"Well, that's sad. We three gotta go somewhere, bye!" Kreek says while walking away. Lego and Player follow Kreek.

"We gotta wait until next time." I say sadly. "I'm gonna go watch TV. Bye Zuzy!" I tell her before walking back to my room.

"Bye!" She waves back.

That's it! Sorry that it's such a short story, I thought it just fit. :)

Bye my Lovelies! :D

Word Count: 365

Infected!Player AUWhere stories live. Discover now