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Hey my Lovelies! This is the Distraction chapter! Hope you like it!

TW⛔️⚠️: Bl00d, G0r3, Pony x Zizzy (Pozy)

3rd Person POV:

"Good bye you guys..." Zizzy says before they close the door. She then hears Player scream and fall to the floor.

"I need to make a distraction so that Player, Pony, and the others escape!" Zizzy says to herself while her wound bleeds profusely. She manages to kick the door down with her unscathed leg.

"It's just a scratch Zizzy, get a hold of yourself..." She tells to herself. "You need to make a distraction, you can do this."

When she walked around, everything seemed... different. There was black goo, black holes in the wall, etc.

When Zizzy set a foot in one of the rooms, she stepped away as fast as she could.

A black and neon figure appeared before her. It chased after her until it lost her.

"What the duck was that?!" Zizzy whispers while catching her breath. "I better get going, I probably don't have much time left!"

Zizzy passed through more rooms, and more figures spawned before her. She avoided all of them, hoping Player and the others had escaped by now.

(Skip to end cutscene)

"Finally, now I can leave." Zizzy says before walking through the door. But instead of going outside, she winds up elsewhere.

"Hello, Zizzy." She hears someone say.

"WHO THE FRICK ARE YOU!" Zizzy yells back.

"Woah calm down, I won't hurt you. I just wanted to meet you." The voice says while a figure appears in front of her. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I've noticed what happened to you, and I want to help."

"Why would you want to help me?" Zizzy asks the figure.

"You are a strong and resilient person. There are many things you can do in return." It says.

"No offense weird guy, but I'm not into making any deals today." Zizzy says while folding her arms.

"You know... I used to live in your world. I was a young and quiet person. I usually felt alone, so I made myself a friend. One from beyond." He explains to Zizzy. "We were great friends, maybe too great. I started to be more like him in more ways you can imagine. My friend wasn't happy about that. He made it very clear to me and the world. When my time ended in your world, my time here began. Look at me now! I'm more than what I could have been if I stayed in your world! Isn't it surprising what I young quiet kid could do? I sometimes wonder... if she will be the same."

"Don't even mention her name. She is nothing like you, psychopath." Zizzy tells him in a angry tone.

"She has never spoken, Zizzy. And she never will be." The mystery man tells her.

"What do you want from me then? Do you want to hurt me?" Zizzy asks while clenching her fists.

"Not at all. I want you to join me, Zizzy. Think of what we could be. A skilled fighter and a mysterious man. It would be perfect!" The guys says happily.

"Did you really think I would join someone like you?" Zizzy tells him while giving him a stare.

"Me? Maybe not. But your friends on the other hand..." The guy disappears, and the room turns white.

"Pony? Is that... you?" Zizzy says silently.

"Zizzy...?" Pony says questionably.

"No, no, no, this is a trick. Your not real, Pony." Zizzy says while turning to face the other side of the room.

"What do you mean? I'm not an illusion, Zizzy." Pony tells Zizzy. "By the way, where are we??"

"I dunno, but I'm finding my way outta this heck hole!" Zizzy says back.

"Zizzy, we all miss you. We're gonna get you back, I swear." Pony says while holding his hand at his heart.

"Pony, even though this isn't the real you, I wanted to apologize. For everything. I'm sorry." Zizzy says while sitting down on the floor.

"What do you mean by that??" Pony asks again.

"I'm sorry for wanting t meet up with the Silver Paw." Zizzy tells Pony while Pony walks and sits back to back. "It's just that, we hadn't seen other survivors for so long I just wanted to meet someone new..."

"To be honest, I wouldn't mind not being able to see anyone as long as I could still see you..." Pony says while blushing.

"You don't mean that... do you?" Zizzy says back while she looks at him.

"Of course I mean it! You photo is the one thing that helped get through this all." Pony admits. "Both before and during the infection. I won't stop until I'm able to see you again, Zizzy."

"That weird mask guy is a awful thing to be playing tricks on me." Zizzy says while standing up.

"You've seen him too...?" Pony asks.

"What?" Zizzy says before turning around. Pony isn't behind her anymore. Instead, the masked guy is there, holding his hand out.

Zizzy nearly takes his deal, before a black arm reaches out and takes her somewhere.

Pony's POV:

"AHHH!" I scream. I look at the time. 5:30...

I guess it was just a dream after all...

Heyo My Lovelies! I'll just explain the order of the story real quick, but it might change.

The Safe Place
Distorted Memory (maybe????)

Yeah that's it! Now lemme explain this chapter LOL

Okay, so basically in my edited au of this au, distraction chapter happened all in Zizzy head. At this point, she's close to becoming an infected so she is hallucinating. She is already knocked out. And to explain the Sentinals, TIO created them to prevent Zizzy from fighting back from the infection happening in her body. TIO want Zizzy to become infected so it is easier to manipulate her if she joined him. The map is also created by TIO to confuse her. The 10:00 minute timer for the round is how much time she has left before becoming a true infected. If you escape, so slow down the process, but Zizzy still gets infected.

That's all! Bye me Lovelies! :)

Word Count: 1057

Infected!Player AUWhere stories live. Discover now