200 Reads Special! (CANON TO STORY!!)

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Hi my Lovelies! Thanks for 200 reads! No really, thank you!

In return, here's a short story!

Does include:
Insane!Kreek AU
Repeating words

3rd Person POV:

"Hey Kreek! You seem kinda tired today, what's going on?" Lego asks him while giving him a cup of coffee.

"I don't know why, but I feel sleepy as heck. Maybe it's because I spent so much energy finding keys and being chased by the infected last night." Kreek says before sipping his coffee.

"Well, hope you feel better soon." Lego tells Kreek.

"Thanks." Kreek says while smiling. He then starts coughing, dropping the mug of coffee and it breaks.

"Kreek! Are you alright?!" Lego yells in concern as he tries to help Kreek.

"I'm feeling light-headed..." Kreek says silently. He then passes out on the kitchen floor.

Everyone else heard Lego yell, so they go to the kitchen to check.

"WHATS GOING ON IN HERE?!" Player screams.

"I don't know, Kreek passed out and I don't know why!" Lego tells Player.

"I'll take him to the sick bay." Pony says while picking him up.

Kreek's POV:

"Huh? Where am I?" I said in confusion. "I was just in the kitchen a moment ago!"

"H-Hello?" I heard someone say in the distance.

"I'm coming over there!" I tell them while walking to the source of the sound.

"Hello, who are-" I say but get cut off.

That's me. That's me sitting in the corner of the room hiding their head. How the heck is that me?!

"HUH?!" I yell in confusion.

"WHAT THE-" The other me says in response.

"WHO ARE YOU?! STOP IMPERSONATING ME!!" We both yell in unison.

"WHAT THE FRICK?!" I scream.

"Okay, we should stop screaming now. You can call me Craft, so we don't mix each other up if anyone arrives." Craft says while scratching his head.

He then starts pounding his head shortly after.

"Hey Craft, you okay?" I ask him while sitting right next to him.

"The insolence is always watching, The insolence is always watching, The insolence is always watching, The insolence is always watching, The insolence is always watching..." He mutters constantly as he hides his head from me.

What's the insolence? What's he talking about?

"Hey Craft?" I say. "Craft?!"

Craft doesn't respond.

"Oh dear, he may have died..." I hear someone say.

"Who are you?!" I say in a panic.

"My name won't be needed." The voice says. I then feel something grab my arms.

"What the frick?!" I yell out.

"Want to make a deal?" It asks me.

"No way, not after what you just did to me!" I yell out.

"Oh, I never said you had a choice in the act. I'm taking you wether you like it or not." The voice said, then I start getting dragged somewhere.

"Now, I'm infecting you so you don't become a problem later." It says.

"HEY WHAT THE HE-" I get cut off. I feel a sharp pain in my right eye.

"AHHH!" I scream in pain. The pain increases, and spreads to the right arm, making it black.

"AHHHHH!" I scream before waking up in the sick bay.

Mimi's POV:

"KREEK?!" I say in a panic. "WHAT HAPPENED?!"

"I-I..." Kreek says while staring at my face. "I don't know..."

"What do you mean?!" Zizzy says while storming in. "You screamed for 3 minutes straight!!"

"I-I'm sorry. It's just-" Kreek says. "I don't feel good right now. How long was I out for?"

"You were out for 3 hours Kreek." Georgie says while standing right next to Kreek's bed.

"Kreek! I'm so glad you're okay!" Player says while hugging him. Kreek hugs back.

"We were worried sick Kreek!" Lego says while getting some water for him. "Anyways, why did you pass out?"

Kreek takes the water and drinks it. "I actually don't know. I just felt lightheaded." Kreek tells Lego.

"Oh..." Zuzy says. "Well, we need to keep an eye on you just in case!"

"Thanks Zuzy, but I don't think you need to." Kreek tells Zuzy with a smile.

Kreek's POV:

Who was he? Who was Craft? Where was I? Why did I feel lightheaded?

I'll answer that later.


Look, I don't want to hurt you. I just want to protect you.

Then tell me, what's your name?

Mr. Stitchy. You may call be by that.

THATS IT! Thankfully I finished this!


Thanks for 200+ reads! I never expected it to go this far-

Well, good bye my Lovelies! Take care!

Word Count: 766

Infected!Player AUWhere stories live. Discover now