3. The New Boy

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I hopped out of my car and gathered my things to enter into the school; hoping that no one would try and fuck with me today. Not even fifteen steps from the school I hear some nigga tell at the top of his lungs.

"Aye lil mama. Aye you with the fat ass. Luh light skin."

I spoke to soon.

I tried to ignore him as best as I could but to no avail. Why can't people just leave me the fuck alone.

"Aye hoe I know you hear me," he ran up and pushed me back so I was looking dead in his eye.

"I said wassup, is you deaf," he spat.

"No, but from what I can tell you pretty fucking stupid," I spat back. He tightly grabbed my arm nearly cutting my circulation. Before he could even return a smart ass remark I slapped the shit out of him. Even though I'm only 5'2" I'll still fuck someone up the best I can, old, tall, short, and all.

"You fat ugly hoe," he shouted. He cocked his hand back about to punch me, I cringed just a little, until someone stopped him.

"Fuck is yo problem Tj! This a muthafuckin female," this boy said with the boy called Tj's arm in his hand.

"This bitch just slapped me the fuck you think I'm doing Tony," he screamed. The "Tony" boy pulled his arm back and wrapped his other arm in front of Tj and threw him on the ground.

Tj looked back with dirt all on his face ad clothing. All he did was mug Tony, got himself up off the ground and prepared himself like he had something to say.

"You got some shit to say Tj," Tony questioned.

"Nah G I'm good," he stared me down for for a few seconds until he turned around and left.

"My bad ma'am some motherfuckers just don't know their manners," he apologized.

He had to at least be 6'0" tall, he had a clean fade with a light skin completion, a little darker than mine. He had a little facial hair which honestly made him look even more good, with pearly white teeth. He had to be from Louisiana because his accent was nearly perfect.

"It's okay I'm fine, I just don't handle disrespected well ya know."

"Yea I could tell," he laughed showing off his dimples. Ugh he was so sexy. I must have stared for to long because he waved his hands in front of my face to catch my attention.

"Oh I'm sorry," I snap back into reality.

"What's your name ma'am," he asked so formally. It sounded weird so much respect coming from someone dressed as your average street thug.

"Why do you want to know my name? You don't know me," I said with as much attitude as I could muster.

"Exactly I don't know you. I'm trying to get to know you, but first I have to start with your name. Right?"

"Well thanks for the help but I'm not going to tell you me name."

"Monaaaaaaaaa," Zikihya yelled running up behind me to give me a hug.

Perfect fucking timing Zikihya.

"Mona," Tony said. That's really pretty. I've never met anyone with that name," he complemented.

"Ooo who are you sir," Zikihya asked with a Cheshire cat smile.

"I'm Tony," he smiled. "And I was just tryna get 'cha friend to tell me her name."

"Oh really," Kihya grinned. "Well her name is Mona Elise Claire, and she's very, very single," she laughed.

"Kihya, chill the fuck out," she was really starting to irritate me. She always trying to play, and she has no type of chill. She knows that I don't fuck with niggas, not that I'm a lesbian or nothing, they just don't have anything good for me. I already get hurt enough as it is, I don't need someone adding more pain.

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