2. Another day

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I laid with Mari next to me in our room. I sleep with her because I don't trust that man, his ways are to fucked up.

I lied there depressed as ever while I twiddled in Mari's big and curly hair. She was so tired that she forgot to tie it up, so I let her have a pass on it. I couldn't get any sleep last night, just like any other night. I haven't had a perfect night of sleep since two weeks after my mother died. That's when it first started.

I looked at my clock as it read 4:59. I swear I wish I had a phone but he likes to keep us secluded from the whole world. Thankfully my best friend Zikihya gave me her old phone, but I have to hide it from him.


"Time to get up," I thought as I made my way to the bathroom to do my hygiene. I hurried to finish so I can keep an eye on Mari while she sleeps, just in case.

I hurriedly make my way back to the room and get out an outfit to start the day. A maxi dress, wedges, and a few accessories. Everday I feel like dying, even though he hasn't done it to me in almost 3 months, he stares at Mari as if she is the last meal and he's starving. He treats us both like shit especially me.

I can't live like this anymore, I've been saying this for so long. When my mom died she left our uncle to take care of us, and she left us 100 million dollars. Not to mention the estate and other assets.

But it means nothing because I can't have it until my shit-face uncle gives approval. So until that day comes or he dies he's rich and we're under his control.

I thought back to the day where my mothers will was read. The day my life changes forever:

The warm and inviting mahogany decored room didn't even attempt to patch the pain that cut into my heart. I held Mari tightly in my arms as we both sobbed in mourning. I couldn't hear what the man was saying but I knew what he was saying. Laying out Evelyn Diez' aka my mother's 'final words'.

"In addition to my estate all of my earnings and royalties will go directly to Marta Sofia Diez. With her I shall also entrust the guardianship and care of my children Mona Elise Claire and Mari Eliza Claire." The man reading looked directly at me and Mari with a look of pity, only to continue reading the rest of my mother's will.

"If anything should ever happen to both me and my mother I want Eduardo Leon Diez to care for and raise my children along with inheriting all the assets I own."

The world felt as if it was chrushing down on me. The worst person in the world is to take care of me now. For the past two years my uncle Eduardo has been on nearly every drug in the streets. After finding out my mother and grandmother was sick he couldn't handle life anymore. I can't entirely blame him for that because I believe everyone copes differently. But I'm thirteen and Mari is ten, how is a drug addict supposed to take care of us.

Another large wave of tears came running down my face. I wiped my eyes to look up and see my Uncle Eduardo and my Aunt Miracle. Her with a warm and promising look, and him eyes of greed and lust.

What will I do now?

I snapped myself out of that horrible memory before I could finish to the worst part. I put on my dress, makeup, and accessories and hurrily leave out the bathroom.

I wake Mari up to get ready for school, even though she doesn't have to be there til 8:00, I like to leave early to get the hell away from this place.

"Whaaaaat," Mari whined.

"Get up Mari you gotta get ready."

"Just five more minutes," she whined some more.

"No get up now," I demanded, with slight whisper. Even though he's in a alcoholic coma, he sometimes is a real light sleeper.

"Fineeeee," she rolled out of bed, then pulled out clothes to wear for the day. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and seen it was a text from my best friend Zikihya.

Zee Zee:

Mona: Getting ready to leave. What's up?

Zee Zee: Nun. Hurry up I got donuts.

Mona: Lol. Okay, Love you.

Zee Zee:
Love u to best friend

I sat there looking at the walls waiting for this slow ass little girl to get ready. Thoughts of everything just flooded me. No matter what I'm doing I can never stay happy for to long.

I've tried to get away and leave from him for so long but it's no use. He always finds me and beat the shit out of me all over again.

I remember the time I went to tell a social worker and all she did was take his money and turn her head. Then when the courts appointed me another one and now she's supposed to be his "girlfriend" so of course she won't help.

"Nene I'm ready," Mari came out the restroom looking like a Sharkeisha remake.

"What the hell are you wearing," I asked. She was wearing a gray ragedy shirt with holes at the bottom, red faded Capri's, with one blue flat and a green sandal.

"I don't know," she whined disoriented.

"You thirteen years old you old enough to dress yourself. You look like a damn bum!"

"Leave me alone I'm expressing myself," she rebutted.

"You know what I don't care, let's just go."

I got my car keys and we made our way outside, to hurry before he could wake. It was still dark out and really early so I brought Mari to school since she had morning practice for volleyball.

I made my way to school. Another day of annoying people.


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