10. Closer

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Since being suspended with Cali shit has been really fun. It's only been two days and I have had more fun than I could have ever dreamed. The only bad thing is that I had to tell Anthony about what happened because I couldn't just lie to him like that. I told him about the suspension, but I didn't tell him who it was Cali because I didn't want them two to start any unnecessary, belligerent beef over some stupid shit.

But the only reason I had kissed him that day was because I was about to start my period and I was really fucking hormonal! I'd honestly take that shit back if I could, but I guess everything happens for a reason.

Since I felt so bad I have Anthony the phone back because I felt kinda bad having it. He also gave Mari a phone and a necklace too, but we kept those because he insisted on us keeping them and wouldn't take no for an answer.

But thankfully I had found some money in the house; because Eduardo doesn't keep up with shit, so me and Mari wound up getting new phones. I got the gold S6 and she got her gold fuck ass iPhone; I really hate iPhones.

Eduardo is still missing and life for us could not be better than it is now. "Mona," Cali said, I completely forgot we were on the phone.

"Yea wassup."

"I said is you ready for me to come and pick you up?"

"Oh yea just lemme get ready first," I stated.

"Ight love, just shoot me ya address and imma be there," lawd his New Orleans accent be having me dying. I love the way New Orleans boys talk, hell New Orleans people in general.

"Okay Cali," I blushed, I just loved saying his name.

"I hear you smiling ma. You love talking to a nigga huh," he cockily stated.

"Boy please get the fuck don't nobody like you," I tried to sound mean.

"Yea whatever yo ass ain't finna be sayin' that when I get over there."

"Goodbye Cali and don't come until I tell you to."

"I'll cum whenever you want me to baby, as long as you do the same for me," I hurrily hang up the phone, completely lost for words. I swear Cali be having me just by talking to him over the phone, but I try to not let it get far but he be pushing it.

From the first day I meet him it was just something about him, but also something evil about him. Unlike Anthony I honestly feel that Cali has ulterior motives for me and now I'm just being cautious because I don't want to catch feelings. But it was always that one little shred of good that I seen on him, not to mention the way that he makes he feel.

I shook away my thoughts before going into my bathroom and taking a shower I used my favourite body wash. But I first spent fifteen minutes to stand and just admire the hot water running down my body. I must have been in the shower for about forty five minutes, the shower made me forget about everything and just want to sleep.

I lotioned up with the same scent body wash and began to put my bra and panties to nap before I heard a knock at the door. I stopped in my tracks as fear stuck my body leaving me paralyzed.

I put on my robe and sat on my bed as stiff as a nail unsure what to do. I felt my nose swell and my cheeks become warm as a tear slid down. I prepared for him to come back in and destroy my happiness like he'd been doing. I heard the door crack open as his heavy footsteps roamed around the house finding their way to the staircase. My heart raced as more of my tears came down before he then appeared in my door way.

He walked to my bed forcefully pushing me down before ripping open my robe. No enough was enough and I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of fucking my life up some more. I screamed at the very top of my lungs. "Get the fuck off of me you sick bastard! Help somebody help me! Help me please," I yelled shutting my eyes. As he tried to grab my arms to hold me down, then reality sunk in.

"Mona! Mona! What in the fuck is wrong with you girl," Cali yelled laying atop of me holding me by my arms to calm me down. "Wha- wha," I tried to get say out of breath.

"Are you okay," he asked. I nodded as he rolled off of me.

"What happened," I asking looking around.

"When I came to knock on your door yo luh midget ass was screaming like you was getting killed up in here," he explained. I got up and coutinued to look vigorously around the room.

"Mona what are you doing," I ignored him looking in the closet. "Mona. Mona answer me." He got up and came to grab my arm as I snatched away from him. "What!" I shouted.

"What in the fuck is wrong with you," I stared at him for a few seconds before bursting into tears. He held me in his arms lightly rocking me.

"Mona please tell me what's wrong baby," he pleaded. "I ju-just need to fi-find him be-because he's gonna hurt me and..... He's just he, he's here he's here in the house an-and he's watching me and i'm, i'm ju-just so ssso scared Caliiiiii," I cried breathlessly.
He gently picked me up and carried me to my bed laying me down. I watched him as he took off his jacket and shoes before getting in, wrapping his arms around me. My head rested on his chest as I countiued to cry and sniffle, he said nothing as he just let me lat in his chest and cry it out. I liked this, how he just let me do what I had to do and held me gently stroking my hair, no questions, no judgments, just him being there when I need him.

"You okay now baby?"

"Yea," I said as I wiped my eyes.

"Alright then," he said as he kissed my forehead. We sat in more silence until I broke it.

"So you not gonna ask why I tried to beat the shit out of you earlier," I wondered.

"Honestly. No," he simply said.

"Why not," I questioned.

"Because I know when I break down the last thing that I want is somebody to come and ask me a bunch of questions. Or try and get me to calm down, when I'm upset I just wanna be that, upset. So that's what I let you do, and Mona you grown you'll tell me on your own time. And to be honest I really do wanna talk about this because I think I know whats going on and the shit is making my blood boil," he confessed.

"Well can we talk," I asked.

"Absolutely love."

"Okay well can you go first," I asked since I was honestly scared.

"It's your uncle huh," he simply said. I stared up into his and simply nodded before yet another tear escaped. "How did you know," I asked matching my face up with his.

"Im just good at reading people, and I remember you hinted something about your daddy but I could tell that you didn't wanna bring back that memory. You really don't like talking about your mother."

"Yea, I guess," I said not knowing what else to say. "Cali."

"Yea babygirl."

"You know something I be always wanted to do, something I'd like to do today actually. But you have to promise you'll give it to me."

"And what would that be," he asked raising his eyebrow.

"I wanna smoked weed."


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