6. Perfect Day

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I swear it's moments like this where I feel like nothing bad can happen in the world; but I know that, that isn't true.

"Kihya," I yelled. She laid on the ground with Tj on top of her fucking her while three others stood awaiting and another holding a camera.

"Get the fuck off of her," I screamed pushing him off of her. She laid there unconscious with a needle stuck in her arm.

"Man what the fuck T," Tj yelled at Tony. I closed my eyes and held Kihya in my arms for what felt like an eternity before I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Come on baby girl get up, you safe na," I opened my eyes and remembered Tony was there. I looked around the room and seen four people lying unconscious on the ground and Tj in the corner holding his legs like he'd just seen a ghost. Everything sounded far away as Tony picked up a naked Kihya and held me in his arm turning to get us to his car.

One month later

I smiled at Mari as we sat and ate ice cream with Tony. My uncle has been missing for about a month now, not that I could give two flying fucks about him. Kihya got better and told me that she had a drug problem, so her parents sent her away to some 3 month rich people rehab facility. So far me and Mari have been spending a lot of time with Tony, both of us really like him. I've never really opened up to someone like I've done with him, and he's been so kind and talking it slow with me, I loved that about him.

"So Mari what happened with your Spanish test," Anthony asked finishing up his ice cream.

"I got a hundred of course," she gloated. "They need to take you out of that class," I laughed. "You speak fluent Spanish, they don't know your Hispanic," I asked.

"Nope, they just think imma lil mixed girl and I wanna keep it that way," she grinned. "You something else you know that girl," Tony laughed. I swear it's moments like this where I feel like nothing bad can happen in the world; but I know that, that isn't true.

"But anyways I have a suprise for you and Mona," he gave his big ass smile with his dimples showing.

He ran to his car and came back with two rectangular boxes one purple with a gold bow and the other pink with a white bow. He slide me the purple one and Mari the pink one. Mari anxiously snatched it awaiting to open it before Anthony spoke. "But you can't open it until you get home."

"Really," Mari frowned at him. "Yep," he smiled. I already knew what it was though he probably got us some cheap Wal-Mart necklaces like the boys always do in the movies, or some type of corny shit like that. I would of opposed but I seen no harm in it.

"Hay Mari," I looked up to see a white girl with her hat curled and a face full of make-up. "Who's that,"I asked looking at the girl.

"Oh that's my friend Kelly we go to school together. Imma go and talk to her," she jumped up and ran over to the girl complety forgetting the box.

"That girl got that make-up on looking like a straight up hoe," I whispered to myself. Anthony butsted out laughing at me. "Dont say that baby that ain't right," he laughed. "It's true though," and it was.

"Anyways what you think love," he smiled at me. "What do you mean what do I think she looks like a prostitute that's what I think," I stated. "About us babygirl," his light brown eyes stared at me intently.

"I think that you're a really good friend. Sometimes to friendly though," I admitted.

"Oh, well I'm not the type to beat around the bush Ms. Claire but I really like you. Every time I'm around you, you just light my whole world up and I wanna be able to call you mine."
I sat there and let his words fully sink in. "Be his," I thought. Before I could speak he got up and held put his hand, "come and take a walk with me. Please," he used his puppy dog eyes. I looked over at Mari to see her still talking to her friends. I agreed and we stared to walk together holding hands.

"Well I don't know about all that Tony I don't think that I'm ready for a relationship just yet you know, and you wouldn't wanna be with me Tony I have to much baggage."

"No you really don't and if you got problems like you say you do we can handle it together baby," he smiled and licked his lips looking down at me.

"No you just  don't understand Tony," I looked away and felt a warm tear run down my face. "What's wrong with you baby," he cupped my face. "Nothing you wouldn't understand," I cried more. He held my in his arms as I continued to cry.

"I promise if you tell me I will, and if I don't I'll try to," how could he ever help me and my situation. Even though it hasn't happened in a while I still feel the same way depressed, lonely, and disgusting.

"No you could never understand Anthony your just too good. You don't need to be with me I have to much going on in my life right now and all I would do is cause stress for you and I,-"

I then felt his was lips match with mine in a kiss. He held me by my waist as he traced his tounge along my lips asking for intrance as I allowed. I kissed him back adjusting to this new found voyage of pleasure, I'd never been truly kissed before. He deepened the kiss grabbing at my behind as I moaned into his mouth. He pulled away moving us behind this brick wall where no one could see us. He countined to kiss me harder as I felt his hardening rub against my stomach. "Mmm oh Tony," I moaned, just his kisses drove me wild. He pinned me against the wall trailing kisses all down my neck, as I suddenly felt this foreboding feeling. He planted kisses all over my neck and back up, giving me an out of this world sensation that suddenly faded. I looked into his eyes to be faced with my biggest fear ever.



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