26. The End

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"I love you Cali," Nina said as she laid on my bare chest on her bed. I stayed silent, I really ain't feel like arguing with her today. We've only been together for two months and all she do is complain about shit, about everything!

"You not gonna say it back Cali," she asked.

"Ion feel like fighting with you right now Nina," I dryly said as she rolled off me, now hovering.

"I love you Cali and all you do is make me feel like shit!"

"Damn son leave me alone," I rolled out of bed. "You be fucking up a good moment," I finished.

"Fuck you Cali, you ain't shit nigga," she screamed. "All you do is hurt me," she yelled in her accent, sounding just like Joseline Hernandez. (That man looking hoe).

"Imma send yo' ass back to the strip club Joseline," I laughed referring to Love & Hip Hop.

"Fucka you Cali," she screamed. I stretched pulling my clothes over my naked body.

"Where are you going," she yelled.

"As far away from you as possible," I answered.

"I fucking hate you Cali," she jumped up, forgetting that she was naked too.

"You know what Nina," I smiled. "Its over, don't call me, or text me with that bullshit. Ion fuck wit' 'chu no mo," I said pulling my shirt over my head grabbing my keys.

"What are you saying," her voice softened.

"I'm saying that we over, ion want 'chu no 'mo," I admitted.

"Fucka you mean Cali! You fuck me and then you say that you no want me no more," she said with tears in her eyes. Here it is I thought fucking with somebody older would mean that they're more mature.

"You act like a child, you always complaining, and you got issues. All you ever wanna do is complain and you think because we fuck that I'll just get ova' the shit, I'm not," I watched as she began to cry more.

"Im'a sorry Cali, please forgive me papí." She cried, getting on her knees in front of me, kissing my third leg.

"No it's over, I'm done with you," I said as I walked out of her room. I made my way downstairs about to open the door as a knife flew past me.

"What the fuck," I yelled. I turned around to see Nina holding a gun in her hand, pointed straight at me.

"You're not going to leave me Cali! I love you and you're going to stay here until I want you to leave!"

"Man Nin,-" I was cut off by a loud bang. I looked down at my chest to see a hole with blood gushing out. Everything became black as my life raced through my mind.

Te Pam/ Nurse Love/ Anthony's grandma P.O.V
Sorry for all the names I just wanted to clarify.

"I just don't believe this Te Pam," Mona cried as she rested her head on my lap.

"It's okay baby, we have god, we're going to get through this," I assured her.

"I feel disgusting, Anthony hasn't even looked at me the same way. It's all my fault, I should have done something... Anything," she cried.

"Mona there was nothing that you could have done baby. It's not your fault so don't judge yourself for it. All that matters is that your here now, and in my house you're always safe," I rubbed her back.

"Thank you Te Pam. I really don't know what I'd do without you," she sobbed.

"It's okay baby, you and your sister are like the daughter's I never had," I said thinking about my crack addicted daughter. We were interrupted by a hard knock at the door.

"Hold on Mona give me a minute," I went to answer the door.

"Hello Mrs. Love, May we come in," the girls social worker asked.

"Sure come on in Ms. Bronda," I invited. She entered in with a Hispanic woman not too far behind her.

"So what's this about," I asked worried, I knew where this was going.

"Well we have found Mari and Mona's aunt. Her name is Miracle and they will be staying with her now," she informed.

"Oh... Okay," I felt myself cringe. I'd grown so close to those two girls, it felt like hell for them to have to leave.

"This was only a temporary stay until we located their remaining family members, and Miracle is here to take them off of your hands," she explained.

"Tía?" Mona said entering into the kitchen.

"Mona," the woman cried. They ran taking into each others hold.

"Te amo Mona, lo siento, lo siento. Yo no sabí. (I love you Mona, I'm sorry, I didn't know)," the woman said crying.

"Es bien tía, nosotros bien," Mona cried.

"Gracias a Señora Love," Miracle looked at me.

"Whats going on, Mona pulled back asking.

"You and you're sister are going to stay with your aunt Miracle," Ms. Bronda informed.

"Oh you stay in Texas Tía," Mona beamed.

"¿Que?" The woman asked in confusion, she must not speak English.

"No, no, Texas. Puerto Rico," the woman got out.

"What? Puerto Rico?" Mona asked confused.

"Yes, you and your sister will be moving to Puerto Rico with your aunt. This was only a temporary stay," Ms. Bronda explained. My heart shattered into pieces as it all sank in.

"But-but I can't just leave, my family is here," Mona started.

"Tía Miracle, esta es mi familia," Mona cried. "Mi amigos, mi vida, mi todo es aquí(Aunt Miracle, this is my family. My friends, my life, my everything is here)." She cried.

"Mona well always be here, you know that you can call us anytime you want," I tried to calm her. Before I knew it she was I'm my arms crying.

"What's going on- Tía!" Mari sped down the stairs. The two hugged as Mona looked up at her sister.

"When do we leave," Mona asked Ms. Bronda.

"Umm now, you should pack your bags."




There will be a sequel.

Already started on it. But I'm worried that it'll be lame so gimmie some time.

Lots of love,



I wanted the story to have an abrupt ending.

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