11. Best of Both Worlds

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I finally finished practice and ran to call Mona.

"Hellooooo," I could hear her smiling through the phone.

"Hay what you doin'."

"Oh I'm not doing nothing you know I'm just chillin."

"Say you chillin like a villain," I heard some nigga say in the background. "Cali."

"Mona where you at," I asked grabbing my stuff walking to my car.

"I'm where ever you want me to be baby," she laughed, she must be drunk.

"Mona have you been drinking."

"I've been dranking, I've been dranking," she sang bursting into laughter.

"Mona where in the fuck are you," I yelled. I didn't mean to lose my temper but the fact that she was somewhere with Cali really Pissed me off.

"Babyyyyyyyyyy why you soooooooo maddddd," she whined. "Baby I want you, na na, what can't I keep my,-"
"Mona give Cali the phone," I demanded. "Okay my watermelon love," she giggled.

"Wassup lil cuz."

"Cali I ain't fuckin' playin' son where did you take her," he hung up in my face.

"Fuck," I yelled, throwing my phone on the ground cracking the screen. I looked up to see that her car was still in the parking lot, so I decided to sit and wait until she come back for it.


"How you feeling baby," I smiled at Mona laying on top of her, she was faded as fuck.
"Oh baby I feel pretty. Oh so prettyyyyy, I feel prettyyyyyy and witttyyyy," she laughed and giggled.

"Oh Cali what did you give me," she whined. "I gave you what you wanted ya lil pothead," I kissed her lips and neck trailing down to her titties before her stupid ass phone rand again. "Let it ring baby," she twisted her face with unsurity. "Imma make you feel good ma let it ring," I assured her.

She turned it off as I countiuned to kiss her lips holding her waist. I felt my man jump up as I began to tug at her pants while she giggled. My actions were interrupted by my phone ringing, it was an unknown number.

"What," I barked.

"Nigga where in the fuck you at," I looked down to see Mona half way asleep as I smirked, I was finna fuck with his head.

"I'm fucking you bitch, nigga," I smiled and hung up, turning my phone off. Yea, this nigga was finna be pissed.


I called Mona fifteen times and got no answer, she must have turned her phone off. I swear its gonna take god to stop me from merkin' this nigga. I sat out there in my car with nowhere to go as I heard my phone ring hopping it was my Mona, it was only Smoke.


"Say bruh you remember that luh female that you was wit," he asked.

"Her name was Mary, Mallie, or Molly. Some Shit like that," he said unsure.

"Mona and yea nigga wassup," I questioned. I swear this nigga can't never remember shit.

"Aye mayne shawty out'chea wit a whole 'nother nigga bruh."

"Where they at Smoke."

"Hold up nigga I'm finna text you address."

"Ight bet," I was fucking livid now I bet everybody in the street know about this shit. I'm really mad to the point where I ain't even gonna go and see about her. I mean fuck it we ain't even in a relationship to be honest.

I pulled up to the the hotel that Smoke said they was at. I looked in the front and ain't see Cali car no where.

"Excuse me babygirl I'm here to meet my brother," I said to the receptionist who looked like one of them you had to flirt with to get anything.

"Oh well what his name honey," she seductively but her lip. Her breath smelled like eight cans of shark shit though.

"Its Clyde but he might be under the name of Cali," I tried to smile and hide her donkey shit smelling ass breath.

"Room 533 on the fifth floor baby. And here's my number if you ever get lonely," I nodded and hurriedly walked away, ripping up the number she gave me.

I knocked on the door an waited a few seconds. I knocked again but to no avail, until I seen a house keeper in the hallway.

"Excuse ma'am my I left my key in the room and my fiance is pregnant and on bed rest and I don't wanna wake her. Could you please unlock the door for me," I asked her.

"Absolutely," she unlocked the door and walked away.
I pushed open the door slowly preparing myself for whatever was behind it.



Wow! I wonder What he sees?

What do y'all think about Cali though?

Yours truly


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