18. Wanna be Loved

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I wanna make it right. I wanna be with you.

"Fuck," I grumbled. Rolling out of bed I'd managed to hit my hand on the nearby dresser.

I shook it off leaving out of my room to go and get me something to eat. I made me a bowl of Cocoa Pebbles deciding upon what I was going to do for today

I sat at the table enjoying but loathing the silence. My grandma had went to volunteer at a hospital, while Cali went out, I guess the girls left with him.

I ate my cereal scrolling through Twitter, I finished up my bowl going to put it in the sink before I heard footsteps.

"What the fuck," I said aloud. I heard the steps trail all around upstairs, who could it be if I was hear alone.

I quietly made my way upstairs to see what- correction, who was up there. I looked around the corner to see that they were now in my grandma's room. I quickly but quietly made my way into my room to grab my gun.


"Damn it," I said aloud. Nurse Love had brought me to the doctors and found out why I'd had headaches and had been passing out. I had gotten medication for it but had forgotten it in her room.
I opened the door of my room praying not to run into Anthony, lately I've had so much hate for him. But in my heart I still deeply cared, he was there for me when I had no one. He was my best friend when Kihya had to leave; and speaking of her my best friend got one more month til I can see her again.

I made my way into Nurse Loves room, grabbing my bag and beginning to walk out until.

"Who in the,-"

"Ahhh," I screamed at the top of my lungs. Anthony stood in front of me with a gun pointed straight at me head.

"What in the fuck is wrong with you Anthony!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry I thou,-"

"What in the hell did you think- were think- what the fuck," I screamed.


"I'm sorry I thought somebody broke into the house," I defended. I looked down to see a trail of liquid running down her legs. I inadvertently felt a smile spread across my face.

"Fuck you," she screamed before running away down the hall. I chased after her in hopes to apologize, just as I was about to grab her arm she slammed the restroom door in my face.

"Come on Mona I'm sorry," I tried.

"Fuck you Anthony," I could hear that she was now crying.

"Mona... Baby please," I pleaded.

"Get the fuck away from the door I don't wanna talk to you!" I sighed, I don't know how I will make this up to her.

"Alright, alright... I leaving." I walked away from the door to make her believe that I was gone, I quickly turned back around to sit and wait by the door. I heard her shift around and open cabinets, after a while I heard the shower come on.

I heard her sigh deeply before entering in. I don't know what in the fuck possessed me to to do this, but I decided to go in. Thankfully my grandma's doors weren't that hard to unlock.

I turned the knob quietly making my way into the restroom. I stood not knowing what to do as I watched her silhouette through the shower curtain. Thank goodness she didn't know I was here.

"What do you want Anthony," she sighed. How did she even hear me?

"How did you,-"

"What hear you? To say that you play sports you'd think that you'd be more stealth and agile," she continued to wash.

"And so I ask again... What do you want Anthony Michael Nicholson, what do you want?"

"To apologize really, I know that lately I've been bein' a dick and I should have talked to you but honestly... Mona I just ain't know what to say to you," I explained.

"I know that I hurt you by ignoring you but I just felt that I wasn't good enough. I just felt that,-"

"Okay give me a big towel," she said sounding uncaring about what I was saying. I reached over the shower rod handing her a towel.

I watched from behind the shower curtain as she dried herself off. To say she was a lil chubby she looked better without clothes on.

"I'm just saying,-"

"Just save it Anthony." she pulled back the curtain holding the side of the tub. I lightly chuckled laughing at her shortness.

"You think it's funny?" she twisted her face up, finally making it out of the tub with a towel wrapped around her.

"I'm sorry I ju.-"

"Stop talking to me," she snapped.

"But you just asked me a question," I stood in front of the door so she couldn't get out.

"Move!" She glared me down, it was adorable when she was mad.

"You know you look cute when you mad, it shows yo' lil dimples," I smiled.

"Get the fuck out of my way Anthony!" At this point you could tell she was pissed.

"No!" I barked. "Not until you listen to what I gotta say!" If she wanted to scream, then I could too.

"Listen to what you have to say!? Nigga I.-"

"I'm sorry," I started. "I ain't mean to hurt you Mona, girl you know I care about you. You mean a lot to me baby and I wanna make things right. I want things to go back to how they were before." I grabbed her hand, gently rubbing it.

"I wanna make it right. I wanna be with you." She lightly sighed at my words, I watched as she subliminally smiled. I finally felt as though I did something right.

"What do you mean?" she wiped the smile off looking away from me.

"Mona Elise Claire," I stared into her now hazel eyes that changed color depicting on how she felt. "I wanna be with you. Can you give me that chance?"

We stood in silence for a moment as I watched fresh years spill from her eyes. "Don't cry babygirl," I pulled her into my arms.

"Okay," she answered. "We can try," she lightly smiled.

That's all I needed to hear.


Y'all it's finna get good!* Ugh I wish I could post how it ends but I cnt. Not yet anyways.





Add me on Snapchat: @mzmari4eva

(A/N I loveeeeeee Cocoa Pebbles ;) )

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