7. Pushed Away

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I cried my heart out. I had no reason to treat him that way, I just don't know how to open up to people and let them in.

"Get off of me please! Please! Don't don't hurt me anymore, please I'm sorry," I screamed as I fell to the ground from his hold.

"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to hurt you. What did I do," I now looked up to stare into the light brown worry filled eyes of Anthony. "Mona! What's wrong," he was now kneeling before me. "Baby please talk to me," he held me in his arms as everything faded to the dark.

I woke up to see that I'd been brought home and laid in my own bed. I looked to my side to see that Mari was no where to be found, but there was a angry Anthony sitting in the corner of my room.

"Why didn't you tell me," he angrily whispered loud enough for me to hear him.
"Tell you what," I asked knowing what he was talking about, Mari must have told him. "Fuck."
He looked at me, his eyes full of hurt and anger as he crawled into my bed hovering over me. 

"What happened to you. Why you act the way you do, and can't open up," he paused. "Mona I know we haven't known each other for very long but I have feelings for you. And after what your sister told me," he trailed off.

"What you don't want me anymore," I looked away as a single tear streamed down my face. "Nah love that ain't even the case," he wiped the tear away and moved so that I was now facing him. "Mona even though we've only been talking for a month I really care about you. And I wanna protect you and Mari because the both of you mean a lot to me."

"What are you saying," I sat up from under his hold. "You barely even fucking know me how can you say you care about me and mine," I shouted now standing up realizing that I wore nothing but a oversized white t-shirt and panties. "Get the fuck out because I'm done with lies from everyone! Don't nobody give a fuck about either of us, and you ain't finna come up in my life and pretend like you care about me when I know you fucking don't," I screamed. Now I was beyond mad!

Don't nobody just accept a girl that got the baggage I have from day one all this boy has seen is drama in my life. Not to mention the fact that I have a younger sister that I have to raise as my own so I basically have a child, and after what Mari told him the only thing he could possibly feel now is pity. But I don't want to be anyone's pity case, especially someone like him who most likely can only do me harm.

I watched as a small smile spread across his face, he looked down starting to twiddle his thumbs. "You know when I first met you I thought damn she look cute as fuck. And honestly you did, you had them little dimples that would poke out with any expression that you showed. Can't nobody really take ya lil' fuck the world attitude seriously. Mona your so sweet and you have a heart full of kindness, it's just that you've been put through so much it hard for you to show it," he stood up looking down at me.

"I have money, I got all tha hoes a nigga could ever want. Hell I got so much of both I get tired of all that typa' shit ya feel me," I didn't know if he was gloating or trying to make a point.

"But you know what as much as I care for you, I could scream and act fucking retarded just like you but I know you, that shit ain't gonna work. So you know what if you feel like I'm after something then believe what ever in the hell you want, but the truth is that all I wanna do is show you some different shit, and if you don't want me to then fine I'll leave," he turned around grabbing his phone and the purple box from earlier.

"Here I still want you to have this, because I ain't no weak ass nigga to take back a gift. If you don't want it you can throw it away, it's your choice."

I took the box and threw it in the trash right in front of his face. "Well if that's how you feel then," he turned walking out the door before stopping.

"Goodbye Mona," we stood in silence before he realized I wasn't going to respond and he left without another word. I followed to make sure he'd gone and shut the front door behind him.

I walked back upstairs to my room, laid in my bed as I cried my heart out. I had no reason to treat him that way, I just don't know how to open up to people and let them in. I felt Mari crawl into bed with me, she held me in her arms as I cried.

"I hope you know that your wrong," Mari whispered into my chest. "I know," I simply said.

"Well are you going to tell him that? Because Mona that boy seems to really care about you and you just seriously fucked it up."

"I know now could you stop acting like my mother," I whined.

"Whatever," she answered annoyed. She got up going downstairs to the kitchen.

I knew she was right and that hurt even more, which caused more years to stream down my face. I was so tired of crying and being depressed, I was now at the point to where depression was my normal feeling.

I got up and pulled the purple box out of my trash can, going to sit back on my bed. I gently pulled at the gold ribbon freeing the box. I pulled off the top to see a bracelet and a matching necklace. Engraved onto the bracelet read to new beginning's and the necklace had a centerpiece of one half of a little girl holding out her hand, there must have been a second piece that goes with it.

I looked back down into the box to find a note:

Gifts from the heart, the things you needed, wanted and lived for.

To new beginning's

Yours and only yours

I sat there with more tears, how could I have been so stupid. I looked down to see that these were not the end of my gifts. I dug into the box to find a brand new Samsung Galaxy S6.

"What. The. Fuck."


Do y'all think that Mona was wrong?

Do you think that the gifts was to much?

Damn she really went off o Anthony lol

But I really wanna know what y'all think so plz comment and V.O.T.E

And book is finished so hopefully no longer update period.


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