15. Pain and Gain

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Dedicated to NaTasha17Harris , MzzAlsina & queenzariah___ , shafountain & all the others.

Thanks for voting and commenting. You guys mean everything.

I just wish that all my pain would disappear.

I opened the door to see a Hispanic man hovering over a girl with his dick out. He had his hand around her throat nearly choking her to death. Mona laid nearly unconscious in the corner, with a large bruise on her face and her clothes ripped also.

"Man what the fuck," was all I managed to say before I pulled him off of the girl Mari. Slinging him onto the floor I looked at the other Mari, the tears poured down her eyes, face flushed. All I could see was Tiona when I looked at her, I clicked out.

I turned around to the man I assumed was Eduardo, rushing his ass. I grabbed him up by his shirt punching his face before then throwing him onto the floor. I took turns with each hand punching him all over.

"Cali no, he ain't worth it," I heard a scream. I balled my fist up repeatedly pounding at his face, there was blood all over him and my hands.

"Cali no stop," Mari held my arm. I looked up at her, tears streaming down her face, she reminded me so mu h of Tiona.

I stood up while looking down at a now crying Eduardo. "Thank you, but ou have to leave now. I don't want them to arrest you," Mari looked up at me.

She let go of my arm wrapping her arms around my waist, hugging me. I stood froze for a second before hugging her back, I missed doing things like this with my sister.

"Wait what happened with Mona," I turned around to see her now fully unconscious.

"Shes gonna be okay, just leave I hear the police," I nodded, before turning to leave. "Cali," she called before I stepped out. "Yea," I answered.

"Thank you," she lightly smiled.


"What in the hell happened to you Clyde," my Te Pam yelled as I walked through the front door.

"Who's all this blood for," she questioned.

"I... Its...," I tried to explain.

"Talk now," she demanded.

"I went over to Mona's house and I... Her uncle Te Pam, it was him," I felt a large lump in my throat, I tired so hard to hold back these long overdue tears.

"He been hurting her, and tried to do it with her sister. But... But then I walked in and," she must have realized where my story was going as a single tear slid down her face.

"When I looked at her all I seen was Tiona Te Pam. I miss her so much," at that moment the tears came out. It been years since I cried, and I couldn't handle it.

"Did you...," she trailed off.

"No I ain't kill him."

"Come here Clyde," she wrapped me in her arms laying my head on her chest.
"I... I'm sorry for this stupid shit I been doing Te Pam you know I love you. I... I just, I'm so hurt, I lost my sister, my grandma, and even though she wasn't there I lost my momma," I cried.

"It's okay baby, your alright now. You know that me and Anthony both love you, we all make mistakes baby, you just have to forgive," she rubbed my head.

"I don't know what imma do Te Pam," I breathed.

"Here, go and take a shower. Clean yourself up because we need to have a long talk," I looked away wiping my eyes, and sniffing away the tears.

I looked up to see Anthony standing there, I couldn't read his expression; not that I gave a fuck anyways. I made my way upstairs to take my shower, putting my clothes into trash bag.

The hot water calmed me down, washing away all of the pain. I stood there taking it all in for about it twenty more minutes before washing up. I dried off slipping on a pair of basketball shorts before going to lie down. I just wish that all my painting would disappear.

I heard a knock at the door, as I called for them to enter, it was my aunt.

"How you feeling baby," she asked sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I'm good," I lied.

"Now you really finna lie to your favourite auntie," I swear this was her favourite line to make me talk.

"No ma'am," I mumbled through my face being in the pillow.

"Can we talk tomorrow Te Pam, please," I looked up.

"Okay just make sure,-" she was cut off by the phone ringing.

"Hold on," she got up leaving the room. I followed behind her closing the door, turning off my light; I hate when people don't leave shit the way they saw it the first time.

"Oh my god! Is she okay," I heard my aunt yell, probably another old ass family member dying.

"Okay, I'm on my way," I heard her grab her keys and head for the front door. I laid there in my bed, drifting myself away into unconsciousness.

I awoke the next morning to the bright sun on my face, and the smell of bacon. I made my way downstairs to be the first to get a plate.

"Te Pam you got it smellin' good in here," I smiled turning the corner. I looked up to see Mona and her little sister sitting down at the table. What the fuck?

"Clyde uhh, they're gonna be staying here for a while."



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