25. Doc Blues

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"Oh my god! I can't fucking do this shit!" I screamed at Anthony, we were in the bathroom of my doctors office. He was trying to get me to pee in a cup.

"Yes you can," he laughed like this shit was funny.

"No I can't Anthony and don't fucking laugh at me!" I screamed, he was really pissing me off.

"All you gotta do is pee in a cup, how hard is that?" He yelled trying to fight back his laughter.

"Fuck you Anthony," a warm tear then slid down my face. His face softened as he came to comfort me.

"Baby listen, I'm right here. What's wrong," he asked seemingly concerned.

"All of this is just overwhelming and I just can't handle this all. It's just so much to deal with and my past and everything that I'm going through," I explained.

"Mona, I'm here and that's all that matters. You not alone because I'm with you. Baby when you wit' me, you never alone," he kissed my lips.

"Now come and piss in this cup," he playfully smiled. I returned one grabbing the cup.

"Tony," I called out.

"What you want, because anytime you call me Tony is when you want something."

"Could you hold the cup," I said in a high pitched voice, showing my dimples.


"Pleaseeeeeeee," I pleaded.

"No I ain't finna let you piss on my hand," he argued.

"Babyyyy, you really gonna do me like that," I pouted.

"Man... Alright come on." I adjusted myself onto the toilet as he held onto the cup.

"Come on," he said. "I can't pee," I admitted.

"What the fuck Mona really," I was starting to irritate him, and it was really funny.

"Man Mona piss in this cup before I,-" I started to pee not realizing that his hand wasn't adjusted. I pee'd all over his hand as he gave me a look of pure fury. I smiled and kissed his lips, finishing my business. He got up and sat the full cup on the counter as he washed his hands.

"Love ya babe," I smiled fixing my clothes. We exited the restroom going to sit back down in her office.

"Tonyyyyy," I played.

"I really don't feel like talking right now," he grunted. Aww, I mad him mad.

"Okay Miss Claire, do you have the urine sample," my doctor walked in. Without knocking!

"Yes I do," I handed her the cup.

"Okay at your request we have the blood and the urine now all we need to do is test it," she assured me.

"Just give me a few minutes and I'll do it now. I don't have anyone else to see anyways," she finished.

"You two are such a cute couple. How long have you been together," she smiled.

"Two,-" Anthony started.

"Years," I cut him off. "We've been together for two long years, I couldn't be more in love," I looked over to Anthony smiling.

"That's nice, well I'll be back later," she left the room.

"Two years," he teased.

"Yea two years, what would you think if your seen two teenagers that's been together for barley two months and they coming to see if the girl is pregnant."

"I'd say that the pussy was too good to pull out," he laughed.

"You so dumb," I giggled. Gimmie a kiss," I pouted out my lips.

"No, just because I told a joke don't mean that I wanna talk to you," he pulled out his phone.

"Anthony you mad at me baby," I asked genuinely concerned.

"No baby, ion get mad, I just get even," he smiled. I felt my cheeks turn red and hot at the thought of whatever he would do. I hated surprises, I'm more of a straight forward person.

"Well I'm sowy bae, could you please forgive me," I pouted out my lip.

"I do forgive you, now all I gotta do is get even," he gloated. I pouted my face making my dimples show, this always got him.

"Ion care what lil' face you make Imma still get you back," he informed playing on his phone, I sighed.

"What you doing over there," I questioned.

"On the Gram," he answered.
"The what," I asked confused.


"Ohh okay," I looked to my feet.

"You got one," he asked.


"Why not?"

I'd been going through so much that shit like Instagram and Twitter didn't phase me.

"I was going through to much shit to have one of them, still am," I simply answered.

"Yea, I know what you mean. But you with me now, you ain't gotta worry about nothing," he got up from his chair. He stood in between my legs as I sat atop of the examination bed. We stared into each others eyes as he pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him to me, kissing him as if I'd never see him again. My lips and tongue made love to his as he pulled back.

"Damn, you must'a forgot that we was in the doctor's office huh," he asked in shock.

"I'm sorry," I blushed. I didn't know what came over me, I just wanted something. I had this strong pulse of electricity going through my body that made me want to be closer to him.

He stood there in silence as we both smiled at each other like little kids. Our mutual trance was then broken by the door opening, it was the doctor. Not knocking again!

"Hey, what were the results," I beamed.

"Well there's good news and bad news," she informed.

"Bad news first," I jumped.

"Well when I ran your blood it looked as if you have a virus," she started.

"Oh do I have a stomach virus or something," I asked beginning to worry.

"No," she paused, you could tell something was wrong. She looked at her clipboard hesitating to answer.

"Come on ma'am please just spit it out," Anthony said agitated.

"It looks as if you have HIV."

My heart stopped. I tried to breath but the breaths just would not enter my lungs. Tears rushed from my eyes as she started to speak again.

"But the good news is that you're six months pregnant and,-"

"What!" Anthony near shouted.

"I'm how many months," I cried.

"Six," she repeated. "As in twenty-two weeks. The main reason why you probably haven't gotten the symptoms of HIV is because sometimes people go years without knowing, but luckily we caught it early," I became dizzy, the entire room started to spin.

Not only was I HIV positive but I'm pregnant with my uncle's baby. Can life get any more fucked up than it already is?

One more chapter!

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