1. No Faith

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I had given up faith

in our future


"C'mon Mona we've done this before so don't act like you scared. You know you want this dick baby girl," I felt his whispers in my ear as the warm tears started to pour from my eyes. I cried as I heard Lana Del Rey's "Pretty When You Cry" play in the background.

I guess he was right he'd done it to me many times before. Maybe it was my fault I thought. "Is what he doing to me right," I thought.

I don't know anymore he tells me it's our secret. My uncle says he does it out of love. When it hurts he says that I have disobeyed him, I try to be as perfect as I can.

When he let's his friends join in he says that it's only because he wants to show them how perfect I can be sometimes. I know deep down what he is doing is wrong, that is why I let him take my innocence instead of my sisters. I let him rape and beat me so he doesn't hurt her. I let him finish which didn't take long.

I walked into the restroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I felt disgusted at my looks. Everytime I looked at me I just wanted to die, but then I think about my sister and realize she's the reason i don't kill myself.

"Mona," I looked at my 13 year old sister with tears running down her eyes.

"Yea baby girl," I cried as she came over and held me.

I didn't wanna live like this anymore and neither did she. But we had no where to go, what was I gonna do for her. I'm 16 and she's 13, he's our legal guardian. Besides who would belive us anyway.

I wiped away her tears and got up to close the bathroom door.

"Mona will we ever be happy," she cried even harder, as she rested in my lap.

"I don't know baby girl. I don't know," was all I could say. I had given up faith in our future, we had no family that wanted us.

Life was so much better when our mother was alive. It was better before the cancer took her away from us.


So like this is just a small chapter imma update more. Maybe one or two if u think it's good or nah plz vote bc I'm telling u that this story will be amazing!

And also plz give me ur thoughts and other inquiries of the story.




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