8. Making Up

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She took a deep breath letting me know that just my touch and words was doing something to her body.

The next day I ain't even feel like going to school, I just laid on bed sad as fuck. "Anthony and Clyde get up and outta bed it's time for school," I heard my grandma yell. I looked at my phone that said 5:05, I didn't even realize that I stayed up all night long, I just laid there and let time pass.

"Anthony.......... Anthony," my grandma called. "Clyde get up there and wake Anthony up," I rolled out of bed because if there was one thing I didn't want it was that fuck ass nigga to ruin my already fucked up morning. I love Cali only because he my cousin but other than that I can't fucking stand that nigga.

I walked downstairs before he could even come into my room. "Boy why you ain't get up when I called you the first time. You already know what time you needa be up boy, you almost a grown man and you,-" I stopped listening trailing off into thoughts of me and Mona. Hoping and praying that we could both get through this and I could make her mine one day. I just wished that she didn't have this big ass guard up, but I mean she did have her reasons.

"Anthony Michael Dawkins do you hear me boy," my grandma yelled braking me from my thoughts. "Yes ma'am, I'm sorry," I apologized but I ain't heard shit she said. "I said it's already five forty five now go and get your things together for school," she yelled again.

"Alright," I turned and walked off.

"Excuse me."

"I meant yes ma'am, I'm sorry," I fixed. I turned around and headed to my room, just as I was about to go upstairs I seen Cali smirking at me.

"You a lil' bitch nigga."
"Fuck you son."

"Yea you smiling now but I'm finna make ya life a living hell little cousin," he said before I walked off.

I mugged him before slamming my door. I put on some my white and black Michael Jordan basketball shorts with the red man on the side, my red black and white Jordan's, and a black wife beater.

I pulled up into the school parking lot seeing one of the janitor's I was cool with, Mr. B.

"Good morning son, how you doing today," he smiled.

"Not to good Mr. B," I answered honestly.

"And why is that," he asked, I shook my head not wanting to explain. "Well you know if you ever need to talk I'm here for ya man."

"Yea I know Mr. B, and thank you. Have a good day," he bowed his hat down as I walked off into the building.
I walked into my first period extra early because I ain't feel like talking to anyone.

I got to the room only to be greeted by a note left of the door.

Mrs. Lane is absent for the day classes will be split up.
Last name accordingly
A-M go to Ms. Weathersby
N-Z go to Mr. Morjin

"Fuck," I thought. Now I gotta search for this class.

I went to the office to find the class and hurriedly entered. I sat in the very back of the room and put my head down, I soon unknowingly drifted off to sleep until I felt a tap and a loud ass yell in my ear.

"Excuse me sir," some black woman stood over me yelling, her voice was annoying as fuck. I looked up at her with a face of disgust.

"What," I barked. She jumped at my shout, the entire class was quiet. "Are you from the other class," I can't believe she woke me up to ask that dumb ass question.

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