16. I Care For You

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I stared into his eyes as his aunt spoke, he held an unreadable expression as she explained what happened. Apparently everyone in my little world is somehow related to one another, now it's getting really annoying; although I did know that Nurse Love was Anthony's grandma.

"They don't have any family and there's no one else who can take care of them. So they're gonna be staying here with us for a while," she explained. He just stared speechless, I felt a bit uncomfortable until he began to speak.

"Okay," he simply said washing his hands. "That's it," his aunt asked.

"Yep," he said making him a plate. We all sat in silence as he finished leaving the kitchen.

"Oh and good morning," he turned back smiling at Mari.


"What's next," Mari asked as we unpacked our bags.

"Well now we stayed here until they find out what happened to Aunt Miracle," I answered.

"You think you can do this," she asked.

"Do what," I asked knowing exactly what she meant.

"You and ya' lil love triangle," she giggled.

I flipped her off continuing to put up clothes. I really didn't want to think about my predicament, let alone be in it.

"No Mona but seriously are you okay," she asked sitting on the bed.

"Yea girl I'm fine, fuck I got you don't I."

"And that you do have big booty," she smiled.

"Leave me alone my booty ain't that big," I smacked my lips.

"What ever floats your boat Mona Elise Claire," she giggled.

"You know I never did like you little girl," I stuck my tongue out.

"I know. You love me," she smiled as I heard a knock at the door.

"Come on," I called. The door slowly made its way open, there stood Anthony with an unreadable expression. I swear nobody shows emotion around here.

"Y'all good," he looked around the room.

"Yea we straight big bro," Mari smiled. I swear she had a better relationship with these niggas than I did.

"Ight lil mama, the Nets cane finna be on you down to see ya shitty booty Rockets," he smiled paying no mind to me.

"Mayne Anthony go somewhere, Nets ain't shit," she stood up.

"Ight, come on lets see then midget," he smiled. She scrunched her face up, Mari hated when people called her short, and he knew it.

"What's wrong Dwarfy," he laughed as she ran to hit him. He ran down the stairs causing her to chase after him. At least Mari is happy.

I contiued to put up clothes, and went to gather things to shower. If there was one thing that could always make me feel better, it was the water.

I entered into the shower letting the water calm me down. As the water ran across my body, I felt a deep sense of relief. Although we're not in the best predicament, we're both safe; and that is all that matters.

I steadily got out of the shower since the side of the tub was high and I'm short as hell, I nearly slipped. I seriously hoped no one heard that.

I lotioned my body, then lightly puffed out my hair since it was curly from the shower. Gathering my thing's I exited the bathroom, I quickly made it to our room before I saw Cali again. Mission accomplished.

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