21. New Gal

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"We've slept together and I'm not about to disregard and disrespect her like that. Like y'all say if she good enough to sleep with she good enough to be with."

"Awww fuck Cali, Cali I'm finna cum," she screamed at the top of her lungs. I pounded her harder from the back, man this girl had a fat ass.

"Ohh daddy lemme cum, Ca- Cali lemme cum," she moaned. I bent down whispering into her ear "cum for me ma."

"Awww," she cried out. Her liquids spilling all over me and her. I pulled out at that moment, rolling over onto her bed.

"Caliiiiii," she whined. "Why didn't you cum?" She pouted laying on my chest, twirling her fingers over my tattoos.

"Nun, I just ain't in the mood right now. I'm sorry ma," I apologized.

"Come on you was ready and hour ago, we fucked for an entire hour and you have not orgasmed once," she tried.

"Damn, fuck is you the Nut Police na? Ma get the fuck on," I roughly sat up, pushing he off of me. I slipped on my joggers and hoodie before turning around, she looked upset. Fuck.

"Say Nina I'm sorry okay love. I ain't mean to hurt 'cha feelings," I got back onto the bed holding her naked body.

"You always say that! I given myself to you and you act as if that means nothing! I give you my all Cali and you don't give me nothing! We been together two fucking months and all you do is treat me like shit! And you don't even tell me anything, I haven't even met your family! I don't even know your name," she angrily snatched away screaming.

"Man fuck is you talking about son!? Ain't nobody ask you fast ass to fuck the first couple in the first place," than a pool of tears rushed from her eyes. Fuck! I hate how I take my anger out in her.

"I... I think you should leave," she said falling into her pillow. I could still hear her moans of crying through it though.

"Nina... Nina baby I'm sorry," I leaned down trying to cradle her. "No Cali, leave me alone," she sobbed.

"Nina look," I tried. "Look at me ma," she turned her face to mine. Her light brown skin was now red and tear full.

"What do you want Cali? I can't give you whatever that Mona girl gives you. When you sleep here you say her name in your sleep. When we make love, if you ever do orgasm I hear you say her name. Cali there's nothing that I can give you because apparently you don't want me, you want her!" Her nose had now started to run as the tears poured harder from her eyes, I sighed deeply.

"Nina... Look ma I'm sorry, I guess you could say that the last female had a lil hold on a nigga but baby look at me." I held her face up with my finger to match mine. "I'm with you now baby, I'm not with her. I'm all yours Nina, ion want her, I'm just going through shit," I lied. I still had feelings for Mona and I was just using Nina as a way to forget about her, but apparently that shit wasn't working.

"Cali I just... I care about you, my feelings are starting to get stronger and I want us to be on the same level. Can you just do for me as I do for you?" She cried.

"Ight ma," I pulled her bare body to mine, hugging he tightly. "I'm sorry I treat you like this baby, I'ont be meaning to take my anger out on you like that."


"Yea her name is Nina, she say she wanna meet y'all," I informed my aunt.

"Wow you bringing somebody home, that's new," she said stiring whatever was in her pot.

"Yea I guess," I brushed it off.

"Why you with that girl if you don't like her? Come on Clyde it's just me and you here. All you gonna do in the end is hurt that little girl because you can't handle your problems like a man," she sat down.

"What'chu mean Te.-"

"Boy you know what I mean. You know you still got that puppy love for Mona and you trying drown it all out in between some other poor girls legs."

"Te Pam, eww why you gotta be so nasty," I scrunched.

"Oh it's nasty when I say it but when y'all young folks say it then it's cool," she chuckled. "Clyde your eighteen years old, you practically a grown man, and thanks to your grandmother and grandpa you rich. What I'm saying is make the most of life while you still have it, life is too short Clyde," she advised.

"Yea I know Te Pam, I just don't know what to do you know what I mean?"

"I do baby but, it's your life and your choices. I just hope with the guidance of me, ya uncle, and ya grandpa that you'll make the right decisions."

"Yea but when do they come back?" I asked referring to my grandpa and uncle, they were both deployed in Iraq at the moment.

"I don't even know, the say in a year, but you never really know with them army people," she shook her head.

"I miss them."

"Yea Clyde I miss them too," she came over hugging me.

"You still gon' bring that girl over," she asked.

"Yea, I wanna do what's right, and I'm not gonna just hurt Anthony like that. This girl she really care about me and I'm not about to hurt her. She the type of girl that don't deserve that, and the way that you and my grandma taught me. We've slept together and I'm not about to disregard and disrespect her like that. Like y'all say if she good enough to sleep with she good enough to be with," she smiled down at me.

"I'm so proud of you Clyde, I'm glad that you have moved on and have grown up in the way that you have. Cynthia is smiling right now," I watched as a tear slid from her eye.

Maybe I am right for choosing Nina. Maybe it is time to forget about Mona, completely.


Five more chapters


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